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Itallics: thoughts

           I thought baa-chan... no Lady Tsunade, would be different. How could she believe Sakura over me!  I stood motionless in the midst of the crowd. Slowly with an emotionless face, I walked forward and handed my headband over. " I formally quit being a shinobi and protector of the leaf village Lady Tsunade" I said, walking away. I left all my "friends" and the villagers shocked at my professional speaking. 

         "Cha~ get out of here then, you demon... I should have known you were a monster. My precious Sasuke-Kun~ is hurt because of you BAKA." Sakura yelled. 

         That did it... I snapped. "You really think that I'm a monster. The one person who tried to protect you... the one person who actually cared. The person who got hit in the chest with a Chidori trying to fulfill a promise TO YOU! You're sickening," I said, with my back still turned. "I'm going to retire to my apartment, please leave me be." Then, I disappeared with a flash, using my father's jutsu, no less, and leaving the shinobi and villagers alike, shocked to the bone.


Tsunade's POV

          I'm sorry Naruto. I know you wouldn't do such a thing but... it's the councils decision. Those old bags of a council have to much power. 

         I bit my nail in frustration. I'm going to need a lot of sake after this..."sighs". I looked at Sakura, fawning over that Uchiha. I'm disappointed in you Sakura, and all of the younger generation. 

         "I'm going to see Naruto," yelled Hinata to my surprise. " I don't care what anyone says, he's my friend and I going to tell him that." 

         "This is such a drag... but Hinata's right, Naruto is my friend and it'll just be more of a drag to lose him." 

         "Yah... come on Akamaru, lets cheer up that dobe." 

         "Hmm..." The suggestion got nods of assent throughout the group. I looked around, saddened at what I saw. Kakashi and Sakura as well as Ino stayed behind looking at Sasuke and probably thinking of Naruto in disgust. 

         "I'm coming with you" I said. 

         "Yosh, let's show Naruto our flames of youth," says Lee, way too excitedly, may I add. 

         "Why would you go after that demon?" said Sakura." 

         "Yeah, he's such a spoiled brat," yelled Ino. 

         "...And a worthless shinobi," added Kakashi. His peers and fellow Senseis stared at him in shock. 

         My anger got the best of me and I punched the ground, "Sakura and Ino I am disappointed in you and wish to state I will no longer teach you. Kakashi... I wonder what happened to your mind because apparently you lost it." I walked away followed by Naruto's true friends.

         We walked towards his apartment to find it really run down. "This is the dobe's apartment!" yelled Kiba. " Sadly, yes. Come on let's just go and comfort him," I continued, getting nods in return. We walked in to find the room barren, empty of all signs of an owner. All that's left was a single note. Naruto, I knew the day would come, stay safe my dear grandson I unconsciously tried grabbing the necklace that was supposed to be around my neck, for comfort, only to remember Naruto had it. Tears streamed down my face.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Naruto's POV

I smirked over the scene. "At least I know my true friends." My laugh tore through the air. "Time to get my revenge," I said, disappearing into the night with a flash. 

No One's POV

They, however, did not see the tears in our heroine's eyes.



Thanks for reading this edition of "Shattered" . Goodbye for now my precious kittens.

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