Itallics: thoughts
I thought baa-chan... no Lady Tsunade, would be different. How could she believe Sakura over me! I stood motionless in the midst of the crowd. Slowly with an emotionless face, I walked forward and handed my headband over. " I formally quit being a shinobi and protector of the leaf village Lady Tsunade" I said, walking away. I left all my "friends" and the villagers shocked at my professional speaking.
"Cha~ get out of here then, you demon... I should have known you were a monster. My precious Sasuke-Kun~ is hurt because of you BAKA." Sakura yelled.
That did it... I snapped. "You really think that I'm a monster. The one person who tried to protect you... the one person who actually cared. The person who got hit in the chest with a Chidori trying to fulfill a promise TO YOU! You're sickening," I said, with my back still turned. "I'm going to retire to my apartment, please leave me be." Then, I disappeared with a flash, using my father's jutsu, no less, and leaving the shinobi and villagers alike, shocked to the bone.
Tsunade's POV
I'm sorry Naruto. I know you wouldn't do such a thing but... it's the councils decision. Those old bags of a council have to much power.
I bit my nail in frustration. I'm going to need a lot of sake after this..."sighs". I looked at Sakura, fawning over that Uchiha. I'm disappointed in you Sakura, and all of the younger generation.
"I'm going to see Naruto," yelled Hinata to my surprise. " I don't care what anyone says, he's my friend and I going to tell him that."
"This is such a drag... but Hinata's right, Naruto is my friend and it'll just be more of a drag to lose him."
"Yah... come on Akamaru, lets cheer up that dobe."
"Hmm..." The suggestion got nods of assent throughout the group. I looked around, saddened at what I saw. Kakashi and Sakura as well as Ino stayed behind looking at Sasuke and probably thinking of Naruto in disgust.
"I'm coming with you" I said.
"Yosh, let's show Naruto our flames of youth," says Lee, way too excitedly, may I add.
"Why would you go after that demon?" said Sakura."
"Yeah, he's such a spoiled brat," yelled Ino.
"...And a worthless shinobi," added Kakashi. His peers and fellow Senseis stared at him in shock.
My anger got the best of me and I punched the ground, "Sakura and Ino I am disappointed in you and wish to state I will no longer teach you. Kakashi... I wonder what happened to your mind because apparently you lost it." I walked away followed by Naruto's true friends.
We walked towards his apartment to find it really run down. "This is the dobe's apartment!" yelled Kiba. " Sadly, yes. Come on let's just go and comfort him," I continued, getting nods in return. We walked in to find the room barren, empty of all signs of an owner. All that's left was a single note. Naruto, I knew the day would come, stay safe my dear grandson I unconsciously tried grabbing the necklace that was supposed to be around my neck, for comfort, only to remember Naruto had it. Tears streamed down my face.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Naruto's POV
I smirked over the scene. "At least I know my true friends." My laugh tore through the air. "Time to get my revenge," I said, disappearing into the night with a flash.
No One's POV
They, however, did not see the tears in our heroine's eyes.
Thanks for reading this edition of "Shattered" . Goodbye for now my precious kittens.

The Ultimate Ninja ( A Naruto Fanfic )
FanfictionNaruto hid behind the perfect mask, he hid behind the obvious. What happens if his mask shatters, and his "friends" find out the truth? What happens if Naruto were to disappear, with all his secrets? How strong will he become? Who will exploit his s...