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Italics: Thoughts

Naruto's POV

I had tears in my eyes. Thanks dattebyo, my true friends. I started crying. 

"The loyal shinobi that disappeared,known as Naruto Uzumaki is the only son of the fourth hokage, Minato Namikaze, and The Red Hot Habenero, Kushina Uzumaki." Baa-Chan said.

My world spiraled away.


I came too at a sewer. A deep snarl came from a cage. Red, dark eyes looked upon me.

"You" I screamed in anguish. 

A deep rumbling sound came from the big pile of fur. A sound so sinister and evil. I should get him to teach me how to laugh like that, I stored away in my brain.

"How does it feel. Being denied that small information, to be lied to about your parents, by the whole village. Show them brat. Show them the pain and anguish you felt. The anger and sorrow they have caused you. Hiding the fact that you are important, the fact that you were cared for." said the fur ball. The rumbling sound continued soon after.

"Reach for the seal brat. You can have your revenge. Destroy the whole village." he purred. "All you have to do is set me free. I'll help you get power, riches, more." The tailed-beast said.

I reached for the seal slowly. Then I pulled away. 

"No" I said. 

"What, I could give you everything you want," he yelled.

"I said no" I stated firmly. "I don't care about revenge, all I want is to protect my precious ones, and you will only harm them." I explained.

"There is no way you can protect them, there is to much darkness to hold back," he said.

"I will see the light in the darkness, I don't care what people say or think about me. I will follow my heart, my nindo, my ninja way, and my dream!" I yelled.

"You have some guts, well done kit," said the tailed-beast.

"Kit?" I questioned.

"Y-you have so much more to grow but you have my protection brat. You remind me of the old man 6-paths. He was just like you, promising to see the light." He stuttered out.

"If you have a nickname for me, I need to give you a nickname to, sooo whats your name?" I asked.

He laughed. "The first human to ever ask my name, it's Kurama, kit." he said as the sewers slowly faded away.

"WAIT, I need to ask you something." I yelled.

"Hmmm," he questioned.

"Teach me how to laugh." I stated only to hear another rumbling sound.

Everything then faded away, back to reality.


Kurama's POV

"Kit, you have so much darkness, and you give all your light to the people around you. What happens when you run out." I said into the darkness to hear a response.

"He will look for more of course" said a shadow.

I reared up in shock.

"Y-you," I stuttered.


I hope you enjoyed my precious kittens. =^'.'^=

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