Boring book worm

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(Friday) Jolene's POV: The school bell rang and the students rushed out of the classroom like someone was chasing them. I was pushed into a locker, once again. Ugh.. I really hated this school. When all the students were gone I picked up a book from my bag. The material felt soft against my skin. The title read "The Light Behind Your Eyes". I remember buying this book. It was four about 2 years ago. Well, my mom convinced me to buy it. Then she put it in my bag, hoping that I'd read it. I guess I could read it but if it's not interesting I'll just put it in my bookshelf. I walked outside to my favourite tree, still holding the book. I carefully opened it. A smell of new paper filled my nose. I recognized that smell very well. I started reading the first page.

Kyung's POV: The people here were pretty nice, I thought to myself as I was walking trough the hallways. I spotted Jolene outside the buliding. She was reading some boring book, I assumed. Reading wasn't my thing at all. I walked up to her and stood by her side for about 10 secounds before she noticed anything.

"Oh hi, Kyung." She glanced at me before she started reading again.

"What's so interresting about books anyway?" I questioned her. Jolene scoffed at me.

"You wouldn't understand." She still didn't take her eyes of the page.

"Anyway, where's Alexis?" I asked her. I thought she would knew since she was Alexis's girlfriend. My eyes searched for the girl.

"Probably inside." She mumbled.

"Alright, thank you." I walked inside the building again. To my suprise I found Alexis fighting with someone.  A bunch of students were there, watching them fight. Her oponent was a girl. I didn't recognize her but she looked about the same age as Alexis. Her hair was long and black. Alexis threw punches at the girl like she was a machine that couldn't be stopped. The girl punched her back. I managed the get in the croud and I grabbed Alexis by the arm.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at her. She stared at me, looking very suprised. Her face expression then turned angry.

"That bitch Sasha, she was talking shit about Jolene!" She pointed at the girl with black hair. She was sitting on the ground. Sasha held her hand on her nose to stop the blood from dripping all over her clothes. It wasn't that successful. I let out a sigh.

"The show's over! I yelled at the crowd. I then returned to the classroom. There was only a few minutes left of the break anyway. My head was aching from all the loud voices and I just wanted some silence for a moment. The class finally started.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to discuss a few things with some other students. Anyway open page 74 in your textbook, today you will be studying for the test on friday. The test will be about-" Her voice slowly started fading away. I couldn't concentrate on it. There was so many other things so think about. For an example what she said to Alexis and Sasha. Would they get some kind of punishment? Alexis said that Sasha was talking shit about Jolene... I wonder if she really did or if Alexis is making it up. Maybe-

"Kyung!" I jumped back in my chair.

"Sorry." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I asked you a question. Could you tell me about what happened during 1939 to 1945?" The teacher started sounding a bit annoyed. Oh crap... I knew something important happened during that time but I can't remember what...

"The secound world war." Zoey whispered to me, quiet enough so that only I could hear it.

"Uh, the secound world war?" I answered.

"That's right. World war II was a war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. The major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind, erasing the distinction between civilian and military....."

Ugh... so boring. I couldn't force myself to listen anymore. I started doodling on a piece of paper. Suddently Zoey grabbed the pen and the piece of paper and wrote something on it. She handed it to me with a smile. Then she left the classroom, she was probably going to use the bathroom. I read the note.

"Meet me in the bathroom."

(Skip this part if you are under 14 years old. I can't force you but I warned ya.)

I waited for about 5 minutes before I left the classroom. I didn't want anyone to be suspicious. Zoey was leaning against the bathroom door. Her hair was put up in a ponytail. She was playing some game on her iPhone while she was waiting for me. When she saw me she immediately put the phone down in her pocket. She was so freaking attractive... Zoey pulled me closer to her, so close that I could feel her chest against me. I placed a hand behind her ear. I finally put my lips to hers and she started kissing me, deeply. Her lips tasted like sweet, like candy. I liked it a lot. I put my hands on her hips. The kiss got more intense and she put her hands on my shoulders.

"Cmon get in the bathroom. We don't wanna get caught." She said. Her breath was heavy and her words were kind of sloppy. We got in the bathroom without breaking the kiss. I closed and locked the door behind us. I gently pushed her against the wall. My hands were moving all over her body. Her moans got louder. The desire was shining in her eyes. She was completely wild.

"You okay with this?"

"Of course. Just fuck me already" She moaned.

I broke the kiss and began taking her white top off. I took my shirt off as well, exposing my abs.  Her eyes widened as she saw my body. I began kissing her belly, leaving red hickies all over it. She liked that a lot. I noticed that since she started moaning louder.


"You're so damn hot." Zoey gazed into my eyes.


If read this part even if you're below 14 years old, it's your own fault if you get traumatized.

But really though, I warned you.

[End of chapter 1101 words]

-Thank you for reading 。^‿^。

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