Not staying

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(Monday) Jolene's POV: I stared at the clock, waiting for it to turn 15:00, so that I finally could go home. I sighed and continued doodling in my english textbook. Long and endless circles started filling the boring pages. It got boring after a while, so I stopped and opened my blue bag, picking up a black sharpie. I pulled up my black sleve and looked at my wrist for a while, thinking about what to draw on it. The cold sharpie touched my skin and it eventually turned into a black rose. It actually turned out really good. I looked back to Alexis's bench, expecting her to look back at me with a smile. It was empty, of course. I reached for the book on my bench, trying to distract myself from thinking about her. It would only cause pain.

"When you are with me the pain stops, or at least it once did. When I had hope that one day you'd come to me and stay, you were my medicine. These days the pain ebbs at first sight of you, then multiplies and I want to flee. Then you go and I miss you with a pain that sits in my guts like so much fire burning slow. Those flames belong in my heart, in my soul, yet no more. And in this hurricane of my soul, amid the endless winds that scream, I make no move. I can protect me, or you. I will choose you until there is no more of my mind or my body, whichever comes first; that is my vow, my oath upon the song of the birds, the light that scatters on still water, the sun that rises each new day."

I closed the book. This wasn't distacting at all. My heart ached by the thought of her. I didn't mind a little bit of talking in the background but suddently I couldn't stand it. The voices of my classmates talking got louder and louder. I wanted to scream my lungs out. I wanted to scream at everyone to shut up and to go away. A nauseating feeling overwhelmed me and I rapidly got out of my chair and ran off the the bathroom. The door slammed against the wall as I knocked it on my way out.

Kyung's POV: I watched as she ran out of the room in a hurry. A million questions went through my mind and none got an answer. My hand flew up and I excused myself from the lession. I stood up and waltzed out the door, in scearch of Jolene. She did look a little pale when she ran out so my mind went to the bathroom. Walking through the hall my heart beat faster and my worry grew. Why did she run? My shoes dragged across the floor and the halls seemed endless. The lockers decoreded the walls and the light poorly illuminated the dark halls. On my left two doors with signs on them became noticable, one femine sign and one mansculine sign.

I stood infront the femine one and listened for any sounds to prove she was inside. Small sounds muffled by the door were too low to make anything of. I scooted closer to the door and leaned on my arms pressed against the door. The sounds were clearer and it became obvious she was crying. I slowly pushed open the door and peeked my head inside. There she was standing over a sink with both her hands gripping tightly on the sides. Her mouth was open and tears streamed down her face. I look at her with pity. Just then she puked into the sink and I looked away in disgust. The awful sounds of her lunch hitting the sink made me nausous. I decided to help her by patting her back and holding up her hair until she was done.

"I'm sorry..." Jolene said while groaning a bit.

"It's alright. Do you want me to follow you home?" I asked her. In this state I didn't want her to be at school.

"I'm not going home.* She replied looking a bit annoyed.

"Yes, you are." Jolene sighed but decided to come with me.

We walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to walk our way trough the long corridor to classroom B. Jolene was slighly hanging on to my shoulder as we walked. Her face was still pale and her soft lips were slighly opened as she breathed heavily. I opened the door and searched for the teacher, finding her sitting at her desk looking at some papers. I gave Jolene a sign to wait outside before I walked inside.

"There you are, what's going on?" The teacher asked me.

"Jolene needs to go home, she's not feeling well." I simply explained.

"Alright I'll call her pare-" She started reaching for her phone but stopped when I interrupted her.

"No. I'm following her home." I raised my voice a bit.

"Kyung, you need to stay-"

"NO! I'm following her home and I don't care what you say." I yelled at her and then I walked to the door.

"Wait-" I slammed the door just as she started getting out of her chair. Jolene and I walked to the lockers and I helped her carry her bag. It wasn't heavy at all, the opposite of my bag. The school gave us so many textbooks that my bag was almost stuffed. I realized that there was a reason why my bag was a lot heavier than mine. I like to keep all my stuff with me all the time, though Jolene probably used her locker. "Lockers are stupid." I thought to myself.

"Let's go." I said to Jolene with a warm tone in my voice. She nodded and hung on to my shoulder as we walked outside. We decided to take a bus and I payed for both of the tickets. Jolene was too exhausted to walk, I thought. An orange bus arrived after a while and we took a seat in the back. Jolene leaned onto my shoulder and after a while she couldn't keep her eyelids open anymore. She slowly closed her eyes and started giving out soft, light snores. Not loud enough for anyone to hear, other than me.

[End of chapter 1061 words]

-Thank you for reading 。^‿^。

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