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(Later that Friday) Jolene's POV: After school was finsihed the police called me. They had already been questioning my dad about what happened and now it was my turn. I should have told Alexis about where I was going but I was too angry at her right now. She didn't have to beat up Jessica! I kicked the wall of the school building but regretting it afterwards when pain striked through my leg. I groaned in frustration and pain.

I had stayed at Alexis's place since wednesday but I didn't wanna go there now. I returned home. I didn't go inside though. My dad could still be in there. And I didn't wanna face him again. I just sent my mom a text asking me if she could drive me to the police station. I waited outside in the cold rain. The front door opened. My heart started  beating faster. But it was only my mom.

"Oh my sweet baby.." She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Is he gone?" I asked her.

"He is with the police... He can't hurt you now. It's okay, Jolene." She didn't let go of me.

"Come on mom, let's go." I broke the hug and walked up to the car. It was a white Mercedes-Maybach S 650 Cabriolet. My mom had always loved cars. She taught me a lot about them as I grew up. We were pretty wealthy, I couldn't deny that. She worked really hard to finally have the money to buy such an expensive car.

We finally arrived at the police station. A police officier was waiting for us on the outside of the building. We entered the building and he followed us.

"Hello. Are you Caroline Hamilton?"

"Yes, that's right."

"And you're Jolene?" I nodded at him.

"I'm Charles. I will be giving you a few questions and you're going to answer them truthfully." He seemed pretty nice so I decided that it was okay to speak to him.


"Alright then! Just follow me." I gave my mom a quick smile before I left with the police. I follwed him into a plain room with a table and two chairs. There were no decorations at all. The cold air touched my skin with a soft wind. I shivered a bit. Charles showed me where to sit.

"Alright, so I'm going to start with some simple questions. Has this been going on for a while?

"W-well... yeah. As far as I can remember he has always been like this."

"What about the last time he hit you? Where did he hit you?"

"Oh, I-I took some photos. I could show you." I picked up the phone from my pocket. I noticed a bunch of missed calls from Alexis but ignored them. I showed him the pictures. He nodded and then he continued asking me questions.

"Those were all of the questions. Looks like we're done here." Charles gave me a smile.

I got out of the building. My mom was waiting in the car. I loved that car... I sat down beside her.

"I'm proud of you. What your father did was wrong, so wrong..." She gave me a long hug before she turned on some music. I could finally relax. When my dad was with me, I was always afraid to do something wrong. If I did something wrong he would hit me or scream at me. I didn't want that to happen.

When I got home I decided to give Alexis a call. She didn't respond. But her mother did.

"Hello Jolene, this is Alexis's mom. I'm afraid Alexis can't talk right now... we had to go to the hospital." My heart stopped for a moment.

"W-what? Is she okay?"

"She has been losing a lot of weight recently. And there is no explanation at all. Just 5 minutes ago, she fainted."

"Please tell her that I love her." I felt the tears streaming down my face. Why did I always break so easily?

"I will. Take care of yourself, Jolene." I hung up. Tears started dripping on my phone.

Is Axis sick...? I should have been there for her. Why the hell wasn't I there?! I shouldn't have gotten so upset about what she did to Jessica. She only did it for me. I should be grateful! But I'm not. Alexis doesn't want a friend like. Who wants a friend like me anyway?!

I fell down on my knees and I started crying violently. Trying to control my breathing. I didn't work. I felt like I was loosing control of everything. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. It didn't feel like I was getting any air into my lungs. My mom came running upstairs. She wrapped her arms around me. Hushing me, telling me it was going to be alright. It calmed me down a bit. I cried in her arms until I couldn't cry anymore.

"Alexis..." I whimpered. She was all I could think about right now. She was everything that mattered to me. And I betrayed her.

"It's okay." She stroke my face. When she did that it really calmed me down. I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. My mom seemed to notice and she carried me to her bed. I instantly drifted away to sleep.

So long to all my friends. Everyone of them met tragic ends. With every passing day, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I miss them all tonight.
And if they only knew what I would say if I could be with you tonight, I would sing you to sleep. Never let them take the light behind your eyes. One day I'll lose this fight as we fade in the dark. Just remember you will always burn as bright.

Be strong and hold my hand.
Time—it comes for us, you'll understand. We'll say goodbye today and I'm sorry how it ends this way. If you promise not to cry. Then I'll tell you just what I would say if I could be with you tonight. Sometimes we must grow stronger and you can be stronger when I'm gone. When I'm here, no longer you must be stronger.

Mcr fans will recognize that thing. Love to you all ❤️

[End of chapter 1044 words]

-Thank you for reading 。^‿^。

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