chapter ten

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Chapter 10: My tongue gets tied. The words get trapped.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Jungkook reached his bedroom he locked the door and took a deep breath. Jungkook placed one hand on his cheek and sure enough he was still warm. His face was probably as red as a tomato.

"Oh god! What are you doing to me Jimin?" He slapped his cheeks to calm himself down but couldn't. He still had that image engraved in his mind and it will be for a long time.

"Aish!" He stomped his feet on the floor and laid on his bed, he grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it. "Seriously, what are you doing to me?!"

Jungkook laid in his bed for a while, head against the pillow as he tried to regain consciousness as to what had just happened. He had just fucking seen Jimin naked, like naked as in the way a baby is brought into the world. Jungkook just couldn't seem to get the image off his mind.

He had to admit that Jimin did have a nice body. For a mermaid he sure was packed. Jungkook had honestly expected for mermaid's to be lanky and thin, not exactly built like Jimin was. He bit his lip restraining himself from thinking any dirty thoughts. All he had to focus on was to get Jimin home safely and everything would be alright, everything would be back to how it was.

"Everything would be back to normal soon." Jungkook sadly reminded himself.

He surely will miss Jimin even though he had only met him a few days ago. But he knew he had to do what was right. He couldn't keep the mermaid in captivity forever, it had to go back to where it belonged to.

"Jungkook?" A voice behind the locked door strayed him away from his thoughts. "Jungkook are you there?"

"Yes! I'm coming." He stood up from his bed and opened the door. Jimin stood at the front door, hand against the doorframe, smiling up at Jungkook with his pearly white teeth.

"Hello." Jimin cheerfully said. "Sorry to bother but is the food ready? I'm hungry." Jimin patted his stomach in hunger.

Food? What food? Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows in confusion before reality hit him.

"Ah, yes! The food will be ready soon. Just wait a few minutes." Jungkook brushed past Jimin and made his way to the kitchen.

As Jungkook was taking everything he needed out he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin. His movements were focused on cooking the food but his mind was elsewhere. He didn't even notice when Jimin took a seat on the table and was talking to him.

"H-Huh?" Jungkook turned around, confused. "Did you say something?"

"No." He smiled and stood up from his seat.

He walked over to Jungkook and stood in front of him. Jimin was way taller than him making Jungkook feel tiny. They were only a few centimeters of difference but it was enough to make him look small.

"W-What are you doing?" He stuttered out, his face heating up once more.

Jimin leaned closer to Jungkook, his back hitting the counter. Jimin was being too flirty for Jungkook's taste and he always made him feel hot when he was close to him. Jimin stared intensely at Jungkook who avoided his eye contact and looked down.

"W-What are you doing Jimin?" Jungkook asked one more time but he avoided his question.

Jimin got closer to him. He looked back and there was nowhere else to go, he had reached the end. Their faces were a few inches apart now and Jungkook could feel Jimin's sweet breath against his neck. He closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, blocking Jimin of whatever he was going to do to him.

"It smells good!" Jungkook uncovered his face and opened his eyes, confused.

Huh? He thought to himself.

Jimin was smiling widely. "Is it almost done?"

"A-Ah yes!" Jungkook exclaimed and turned the stove off. He grabbed two plates off the cupboard and started serving them with food. "Go sit. I'll bring you your food right now."

"Okay." Jimin skipped his way to his seat as Jungkook took a deep breath.

Jimin and his flirty antics will be the death of him. Jungkook felt a weird sensation in the pit of his stomach, it was a sensation that he couldn't explain. It was as if something wrong was going to happen. He shook his head ignoring the weird sensation he felt.

"Aren't you going to work Jungkook?" Jimin asked.

"I'm not sure if i'm welcomed there." He nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "It must be chaotic there at the moment."

"Because of me right?"

Jungkook nodded. "Mr. Han must be furious! He must be looking for you everywhere wondering where you went."

"But I need to go work to not raise any suspicion." Jungkook stood up from the table. "I can't risk Mr. Han or Namjoon figuring out that I'm the one that took you."

Jungkook placed a plate of food in front of Jimin who happily took it. As he was munching happily on his food, Jungkook left to his bedroom to change for work. He didn't want to go, he was scared that he was caught on tape, and he was scared that Mr. Han knew the truth.

He took his time dressing himself and when he went back to the kitchen Jimin was already done eating. Jungkook glanced at the time on his phone, 9:00am. Shit. He was really, really late. Mr. Han was going to be furious with him. Jungkook grabbed his shoes and quickly put them on. He grabbed his keys and bag from the couch and made his way towards Jimin.

"Are you going to be okay here alone?" he asked.

Jimin nodded. "Yes. Now go before you get in trouble."

Jungkook didn't say goodbye to Jimin. He just rushed out the door and out the apartment complex. He was in such a hurry he didn't hear when Jimin told him, "Good luck Jungkook."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I'm sorry this was such a short chapter :(( It was mostly a filler because I've been super busy these few days. I've been occupied studying and taking finals, it's stressing me out a bit. I just wanted to get up an update for you guys so you don't think I've forgotten about you or the story lmao

Please remember to vote & comment your thoughts. It means a lot to me to know what your thoughts about the story are ♡

P.S. Please wish me luck! I'm going to need it... and goof luck to all of you taking finals as well. You can do it!!

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