chapter twenty three

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Chapter 23: I'll miss you. A little too much, a little too often, and a little more every day.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Don't save me." Jimin sternly said, "I've caused you and everyone surrounding you too much pain. That's why I'm leaving, Jungkook. I'm going to give myself up."

"Jimin, please don't." Jungkook begged. "Don't give yourself up, please."

"Jimin, please. I saved you so you didn't have to live a life full of torture with them." He choked down a tear and continued, "They were just going to use you for research and once they were done with you, they were going to kill you!"

"I never asked for you to save me." Jimin uttered, his tone cold.

"You promised to take me home but you couldn't even do that because of your selfishness. You wanted me all to yourself!" He bitterly cried, a low cry escaping his mouth.

"Jimin I-" Jungkook looked down, ashamed, not knowing how to respond. "I know I was selfish. And I apologize for that. But you gotta know that I just did what was best for you."

"How do you know what's best for me, huh?!" Jimin bawled, "My father was killed by your people. You should've just let me die in their hands. That would've been the best option for everybody. At least if I was dead I would be with my father!"

As soon as these words slipped out of Jimin's mouth, Jungkook rushed over to him. He forced Jimin to turn around and face him. Jungkook graced his fingers over his cheek, his skin felt cold - ice cold. Actually, everything about the boy felt cold.

Jimin didn't say anything and allowed Jungkook to trace his fingers over his face. He pursed his lips and looked down, trying to avoid eye contact. He doesn't know why he allowed himself to be touched by him, but Jungkook's embrace was so warm it made him feel loved.

"I'm sorry." Was all Jungkook could utter out.

"I'm sorry about your father. I-I had no clue. It must've been hard for you. And I know sorry won't fix what we've done."

Not being able to say anything more to him, Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and offered his shoulder to Jimin who was crying his eyes out. His eyes were wet, staining Jungkook's shirt but he didn't mind.

All he wanted was to make the boy feel better. Jimin on the contrary was mad at Jungkook yet he doesn't know why he allowed himself to be touched by him; there was something about Jungkook's embrace that was so warm it made him feel loved.

The hugs Jungkook gave Jimin always reminded him of home, especially of his father. It was almost like Jimin was hugging his dad. Jimin cried, he cried until he felt like he had relieved all the pain that was sheltered inside him.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you." Jimin broke the silence after a while. "I was afraid that I could lose you. And I had so many feelings that I wasn't aware of bottled up I decided to take it out on you. I'm sorry."

"Jimin, it's okay." Jungkook rubbed his back soothingly. "I'm at fault too for being so selfish and only thinking about myself. I never really thought of how you felt, I only wanted you to myself. So, I'm sorry for that."

"I'm sorry." They both apologized to one another, embracing in another heartwarming hug.

"Can we sleep together?" Jungkook meekly said, his cheeks turning a crimson red. "It's just that ever since we got here, I haven't had the chance to sleep or cuddle with you, since you know you turn into a mermaid during the night."

Jimin softly smiled and nodded. He took Jungkook's hand and led him to the bedroom. Jimin laid first on the right side of the bed, while Jungkook laid on the left. Jungkook scooted closer to Jimin until he felt his back against his chest. He then turned around so both were facing one another. Jimin wrapped his arm around his body and Jungkook snuggled in further.

For once, Jungkook wanted to be the little spoon. He wanted Jimin to wrap his arms around him and protect him from all evil, aka Kim Namjoon. Jimin buried his head on Jungkook's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek causing the other boy to blush once again.

"I love you." Jimin whispered as he planted a kiss on his cheek. "I love you too much. Don't ever forget that."

Jungkook looked up and smiled, "I won't. I love you too."

After that, the two didn't say anything. The two just snuggled peacefully with one another. It wasn't an awkward silence, in fact it was a calm silence. The calm silence surrounding them was starting to make Jungkook sleepy.

And before he knew it, Jungkook was fast asleep. Jimin however was the complete opposite. He was fast awake, unable to fall asleep. He waited until he was sure that Jungkook was completely asleep before standing up from the bed.

Jimin hovered above Jungkook, watching him peacefully sleep. He admired his chest rising up and down, they way his lips would pucker up when he breathed. Jimin sadly smiled and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I'm going to regret this but it's the best option for everyone." Jimin softly said as he stroked his hair. "I hope you can forgive me."

Jimin glanced once more at Jungkook before walking out of the room. He didn't look back, afraid that he won't go on with the plan if he stayed with him longer. Jimin slowly walked around the house, taking his last look at it. He first walked to the kitchen where Jungkook had cooked delicious meals for him. Then he made his made to the living room where Jungkook held and protected him from the scary monsters from the movies they watched.

The last place Jimin went to was the bathroom. The place he stayed all night thinking, thinking about Jungkook, thinking about his family that awaited him back home. He looked around one last time and was about to leave when a teddy bear laying on the corner of the bathroom caught his attention.

It was the teddy bear Jungkook had won for him at the fair. Jimin bent down and picked up. He held it up and smiled at it.

"I'm keeping you." He told the bear, "Your something that I hold very dearly to my heart because Jungkook won it for me."

Jimin hugged the bear tightly against his chest and walked out of the bathroom. He sighed, looking at the house one more time before walking out of there. Jimin waited along the sidewalk, clutching his bear against his chest when a black car pulled up beside him.

The person in the car rolled down their window and signaled for Jimin to get in. Jimin obliged and got inside the car. As soon as Jimin got in, the car quickly sped away. The driver didn't bother to glance over at Jimin who just leaned his head against the window.

"Are you ready?" The driver asked.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 

Phew, okay so I'm sad because this story is ending soon :( 2 more chapters to go + an epilogue. I'm still debating whether to end it on a happier note or a sad one... Maybe I'll do both,, who knows. I do apologize if this chapter is confusing as hell or boring but I'm trying my best to save the best for last.

But I do hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote & let me know your thoughts about it ♡ !! Your feedback means a lot to me :) Next update will be Friday.  

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