chapter twenty four

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Chapter 24: My mind tells me to forget him, but my heart tells me otherwise.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  

The next morning Jungkook woke up cold, alone, and confused. Cold because he slept all night without a blanket covering his body. Alone because Jimin was no longer by his side. And confused because he had no clue as to where Jimin was.

He laid in bed for a few minutes, trying to think where the hell Jimin could've gone to. He couldn't have left him, right? Fearing that it was the latter, Jungkook quickly stood up from the bed and started searching for him.

"Jimin!" He called out, his voice echoing throughout the house. The sound of his voice being the only sound heard.

"Jimin! Where are you?" He ran barefoot around the house, opening door to door but there was still no sign of him.

What he had feared the most came true. Jimin was gone. He had abandoned Jungkook for good. Jungkook bit his lip, restraining the tears that were threatening to spill down his face. He sat on the living room couch for a while, thinking as to why Jimin could leave like this without saying goodbye.

Why did you leave like this? He thought to himself. You could've at least said goodbye.

The thought of Jimin being in danger, lost, or even worse trapped somewhere by himself scared him. Jungkook couldn't hold the tears any longer and broke down crying. He covered his face with his hands, sobbing loudly.

"W-Why did you leave?" He hiccuped in-between tears. "You promised not to."

His mind demanded him to forget him, he had left him when he promised not to; but his heart, his heart demanded something else. It demanded him to get his ass off the couch and go look for him. His heart was aching -not in the breakup type of ache- it hurt in a way that told him that something was wrong.

Jungkook stood up from the couch, wiped his tears away and paced around the living room thinking where Jimin could've gone to. Although he knew Jimin had left, he was positive that Jimin wouldn't just leave like that. There must've been something or someone that cornered him to leave.

Realization hit Jungkook and he widened his eyes. He balled up his fists and lowly growled, "Kim Namjoon."

Jungkook punched the wall closest to him in anger and stormed to Taehyung's bedroom. He knocked but there was no response. He must've already left to work. He thought to himself.

Jungkook made his way inside the bedroom and pulled out the small notebook and pen he kept in his night stand. He opened up to the first blank page and took a deep breath before starting to write.

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