Found (This one's really short)

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Draco's POV

"Good, I've finally found the two of you," Headmistress McGonagall said. "Come quickly, so that you can have a spot of breakfast before your classes begin."

Draco was first, walking swiftly after the new headmistress of Hogwarts, followed quickly by Harry.

As the two boys followed her down the corridors, she asked, "Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, might I ask what you boys were doing all night trapped in a closet?" She didn't turn around to look at them.

"It wasn't us, Headmistress," Harry said. "We were both kidnapped and locked in there on out ways to dinner."

"I see. And have you any ideas as to whom might have put you there?"

"I suspect Pansy Parkinson, Headmistress," Draco said.

"And can you tell my why that is, Malfoy?"

There is no way I can tell her she was trying to set Potter and I up in a romantic relationship, was his first immediate thought.

"She told me once that she finds locking unsuspecting people in closets for her amusement, Headmistress, especially when the two said people don't get along," he white-lied. Again, it was hardly the reason she was a suspect in Draco's eyes.

"I see," McGonagall said, stopping in an intersection. "Well, hurry to breakfast. Your friends Weasley and Granger have been worried about you, Potter. They will be relieved to see that you are unharmed and no longer locked in a closet with Malfoy. I'll see to it that Miss Parkinson is interrogated about your . . . predicament."

"Thank you, Headmistress." With a nod of her head, she turned down the left corridor while the boys continued straight, towards the hall.

Oh, this will look so bad, Draco thought, rushing ahead of Harry and effectively reaching the Slytherin table just as Harry was a few steps into the great hall. Thankfully, no one seemed to pay them much mind, if any at all.

Draco took his seat next to Pansy, who was innocently perched next to Blaise, her boyfriend.

"Really, Pansy?" he hissed as Blaise dutifully passed him the French toast.

"What?" she asked, sporting an innocent look that Draco was by no means buying.

"You know exactly 'what', Pansy," he said, narrowing his storm-cloud-gray eyes at her.

"And you want to talk about that here, now, in front of Blaise?" she asked him, feigning surprise.

He scowled, but didn't say anything, and Blaise gave her a curious look, to which she shook her head at him.

Harry's POV

"Harry, what happened?" Hermione asked before he even had a chance to sit. He began to load up his plate with food, hungry having missed dinner the night before.

Ron swallowed his mouthful of . . . whatever it was he was eating; Harry couldn't quite tell what, seeing as his plate was now clean.

"Yeah," Ron said finally. "Why were you in a tiny closet with Malfoy?"

"Parkinson knocked us out and put us in there on the way to dinner last night," Harry explained, shoving some pancake in his mouth and swallowing before he continued. "At least, that's who Draco suspects. Seems about right to me."

"Draco?" Ron asked, clearly confused and seemingly opposed to the idea of Harry calling the Slytherin Prince by his first name.

"We've decided to be friends, Ron. To put the past behind us," Harry said.

"'Put the past behind us' my arse!" Ron countered. "Really, Harry? Friends? With Malfoy?"

"Ron, honestly!" Hermione reprimanded. "I don't like it either, but it's better than having them fight all the time while we're trying to pass our N.E.W.T.s, so don't be rude! We should be supportive of our best friend, no matter our opinion of his decisions."

"Well, yeah, but Malfoy," Ron said, as though that explained every reason why this wasn't good.

"Ron, please, the war is over. Draco deserves another chance, and I'm giving it to him."

"Fine," he said, still not exhilarated by the announcement. "But I'm still calling him Malfoy."

Harry sighed, deciding that was as much as he could get his friends to accept this situation. "If you want to, Ron."

And then the conversation shifted to the next Quidditch match that Gryffindor would be playing in the next two weeks, against Slytherin.

It Started With A Closet. . . A Drarry Fic (No Smut!!!)Where stories live. Discover now