Day Four (This one's fairly long)

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Harry's POV

The next morning, Harry found Draco sitting and chatting with Hexa over breakfast.

"Morning, Hexa. Morning, Draco. Pass the sausage, please?" he said as he plopped down next to Draco and across from the Hufflepuff.

"What do you think you'll get today, Harry?" Hexa asked as she handed the sausage platter to her new friend, and then the eggs.

"Hmm?" he questioned as he loaded up his plate.

"From your secret admirer," she elaborated.

"I told her," Draco announced, flicking his hand up lazily.

"Oh. Well, I don't know. But I got this yesterday." He took the mug, which he'd shrunken down, out of a robe pocket and regrew it to its original size. Then he tapped the rim with his wand and said, "Orange juice!"

"Oooo," Hexa said as it filled with the delicious fruity liquid. "You're so lucky, Harry. I wish someone were fawning over me. Not that they'd have a reason to, so I don't blame anyone."

She poked at her pancakes, causing a cooked blueberry to ooze.

"What d'you mean?" Harry asked.

"You know I don't have any friends, Harry. Every time someone tries to strike up a conversation with me, I always ruin it, and the person never tries again. Last year was when people stopped trying altogether. I never try talking either, except in class when I have an answer for the teacher. Even in groups, I try communicating only as much as I have to."

"What about your roommates?" Draco inquired. "Surely they can't–don't–just ignore you."

"The only time I even see them is just before bed, and I always wake earlier than . . . I think everyone in the entire school, since I'm always the first one in the hall. And they're too busy talking among their outgoing selves, I'm not even sure if they know they have another roommate."

"That," Draco stated, "sounds absolutely dreadful."

"I'm sorry, Hexa," Harry sympathized.

"I wouldn't mind having my roommates ignore me, only because they never leave me alone, but not having any friends. . ."

"She has friends," Harry said defensively.

"Erm, huh?" Hexa said.

"Us," Harry insisted. "We're your friends."

"Hm. We're missing a Ravenclaw," she mused.

"What?" Harry said.

Draco rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Potter, please tell me you're not that stupid." Harry gave him a look that was half blank, half glare. "I'm a Slytherin, you're a Gryffindor, she's a Hufflepuff. That's three of the four houses. Ravenclaw's the last."

"Ooooooohh," Harry said. "Well, you can represent both, Hexa. You're obviously a fairly balanced amount of both."

Just then her head jerked up, and Harry thought he'd said something wrong until she asked, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Mail's here," she told them.

Five seconds later, owls flew in, dropping off their letters, newspapers, and packages.

"How'd you hear that?" Draco asked, interested.

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"And I thought I had exceptional hearing," he muttered.

It Started With A Closet. . . A Drarry Fic (No Smut!!!)Where stories live. Discover now