Day Eleven Part One

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Hexa couldn't sleep.

It was 4 A.M. and she sat in her bed, folder laying on her bunched-up legs being used as a hard surface to write on.

Her notebook glowed.

What the hell, it's 4 A.M., she thought. What are they doing awake?

Yeah, it's 4 A.M., why are you up? her mind argued.

Oh yeah. . . I'm tired, shut up.

And I'm you so I only shut up if you do.

Why the f*** am I arguing with myself?

Did. . . did you just censor yourself? In your mind? Really?

Just pick up the goddamn journal. . .

Hexa sighed quietly, finally picking up the glowing notebook.

Hexa, you awake? Draco's message read. Of course not, it's 4 A.M. why would you be awake?

'M awake, she wrote back. Don't know why, I'm an idiot for not being asleep right now. Hey, why aren't you asleep, either?

Just couldn't. You?

Me neither.

What were you doing before I messaged?

Writing. You?

Just lying in bed thinking.

Harry? The twelve days?

Yeah. I mean there's two days until he finds out. Day after tomorrow. . .

Tomorrow, actually. It's 4 A.M., so Tuesday. Christmas is tomorrow. . . Oh, God. . . I hope I can find all the presents today. It's another Hogsmeade day, for just that reason I'd think. I'm going alone, I haven't gotten anything for any of you yet, just gathering some ideas so I know what to get. Harry's the only one I can't figure out, I mean you've gotten him everything already!

I suppose you'd like some help?


They brainstormed for about half an hour before Hexa finally decided on something.

Thanks, Prince, she wrote.

Of course, Silver. Could I ask a favor of you?

Sure, what's up?

Could you help me write Harry's letter for tomorrow? I put it off because I was having trouble what to write.

No problem.

They worked for another forty-five minutes, then Draco went to sleep for another one and a half hours while Hexa continued writing stories. She finally set that aside again and wrote to both Harry and Draco.

It's 6:45 A.M. . . I got an hour of sleep from midnight to one A.M. . . I'm going to be so tired today. . . I hope I don't get the wrong gifts accidentally because my brain can't process stuff. . .

Tiredness doesn't seem to be affecting your grammar, spelling and neatness, Harry observed.

Something I noticed as well.

So why didn't you get much sleep last night?

Just couldn't sleep. I was writing mostly. Talked to Draco a bit, he couldn't sleep either. Got more than me, though. . .

It Started With A Closet. . . A Drarry Fic (No Smut!!!)Where stories live. Discover now