Day Five Part One

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Harry's POV​​​​​​​

Harry found Hexa sitting at the edge of the table the next morning; it seemed to have become their usual spot. He sat down right across from her.

It was the first morning that Harry had gotten there before Draco.

He took out his mug, returned it to his normal size, and filled it with water as he and Hexa exchanged their hellos and good mornings.

Draco showed up not long after, a rolled up parchment in his hand.

"Good morning Hexa," he said, sitting in his usual spot next to Harry, "Harry."

"Morning," Harry said.

"Hey, Draco." Hexa smiled at him.

"Soooo . . . questions?" Harry asked.

"After breakfast, when it's more private," Draco said. "Really, Potter, has it not registered to you yet that this is a secret?"

"It's fine!" Hexa rushed, taking her rightful place as the stopper/preventer of all fights.

She was glad when she heard the wing beats and hoots of owls––the perfect distraction.

"Mail!" she called. Fifteen seconds later, owls dropped letters and packages and newspapers.

Dear Harry, the letter from Ron and Hermione read.

This person must really like you, because while it's fairly easy for a witch or wizard to cast a brief heating charm on a person, it is slightly more difficult to cast it on an object, and even more so to make it permanent. Tell me us more about this Hexa girl. Do you think she might be your admirer?

Your friends,

Hermione and Ron

(Still mostly Hermione)

Next he opened his fifth present.

This one was a quill, longer than a foot, and a beautiful golden-bronze color, like lion's fur, but a bit more metallic. It was softer than, well, a regular feather. More smooth, too, but less poofy.

"Oh, that's so pretty!" Hexa said. "And quite thoughtful, too, I think."

"Does it say what bird it's from?" Draco asked.

"Let me read the note: Dear Harry, this feather is from a golden griffin, very rare and even more expensive. If you happen to lose it, misplace it, or some git has the audacity to steal it, I have charmed it to appear to you whenever you have the need to use it, no matter where it might be or who has it. I hope you put it to good use. ~Anonymous."

"Wow, Harry," Hex said. "It certainly looks like it's expensive. This person must really care about you to want to pamper you so much." She sighed. "I've always wished I could be more like you."

"Why?" Harry asked, startled, while Draco gave her a sympathetic look.

She turned to him as though he had asked her if breathing was really necessary.

"Because," she tried to explain, "everyone adores you, always telling you how amazing you are. Even though I prefer to avoid the spotlight, it's nice to know that people accept me and like me. Not to mention your amazing sense of humor, your loyalty, and your bravery. You're never afraid to take a stand and support what you believe is right. I'm too shy to even try starting up a conversation with my own roommates. Or even join in on one."

"Hexa," Draco said sternly. "Yes, you're shy, but you have so many outstanding qualities otherwise. You are the first one of . . . those in wizarding history! Do you know what they stand for? I did some research last night, and of course no book has a record for that kind of animagus," –he whispered animagus– "but I found a few good books on the symbolism of every possible patronus, including unicorns. I wrote it all down."

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