Chapter Two

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"Sissy, wake up!" Sierra squealed, bouncing up and down on my slumbering body. Apparently I had forgotten today was adoption day, because all I did was smack Sierra with a pillow and roll over.

"Don't make me get Mother Annie on adoption day!" she then threatened. I sprung up, nearly knocking her off the bed. Disturbing Mother Annie on adoption day was definitely something you did not want to do. She always got dressed really nice, make-up and all. Plus she had to get all the girls' adoption papers ready just in case.

"That's what I thought," Sierra mumbled, sliding off the bed. Before she left the room, she said,

"After you get dressed, come downstairs for breakfast. Lillian is here."

Lillian was Chef Caroline's 15-year-old daughter. She always came over on the weekends, and she was really nice.

"Carmen," I whispered, "get up!" All you could see peeping out of Carmen's covers were her rusty orange curls.

"All girls must be downstairs for breakfast in ten minutes!" Lillian yelled up the stairs.

"Carmen, get up! We have to be downstairs in ten minutes!" I half-yelled, jumping on top of her. She sprung up, knocking me off the bed. With her awake, I grabbed my Minecraft shirt, ripped light-colored jeans, and gray Uggs, and proceeded to the bathroom. Carmen got dressed in the bedroom.

After I was dressed and had brushed my wavy dark brown hair, I stared into the mirror for a minute. My hazel eyes shone bright, which was a rarity. Maybe I would get adopted today.


Breakfast was finished, and we all lined up, starting from the youngest to the oldest. I was third to last as the oldest. We waited, and soon, an ordinary couple came in. Nope, didn't look familar. They went straight over to the little girls. Thankfully, Sierra didn't catch their eye. A little blonde girl named Hailey did. Soon enough, you saw Hailey leave with the couple.

Many more couples came in, some adopted, some didn't. Just as adoption day was what you would call almost over, a seriously familiar couple came in.

Was that....Adam and Alesa? I looked closer, squinting. There were my idols, coming I almost fell backwards from my fangirl attack. Carmen had to catch me.

"I see you know who we are," Alesa said, smiling warmly.

"Y-yes I do," I stuttered, my heart pounding. My mind was racing along with it.

"Do you play Minecraft?" Adam asked, pointing to my shirt. I nodded, and pulled out my phone. He smiled.

"Ma'am, I believe we will take this amazing young lady!" Adam cheered pointing to me. Mother Annie came over with Sierra, and mentioned a heart-crushing thought.

"These two are sisters."

Adam and Alesa became silent, and stared at each other for a moment. Then Adam turned on his heel, and kneeled down in front of Sierra.

"Welcome home, sweetie," he whispered, picking up Sierra. Alesa hugged me, and I nearly started bawling.

"Thank you so much," I mumbled into Alesa's shirt.

"You're welcome dear, now go pack your stuff with your sister," Alesa whispered. With that, Sierra and I ran upstairs as the two signed the papers. When we came down the stairs with our tiny suitcases, Mother Annie, Nana Carol, and Lillian were all standing there, crying.

"We'll miss you girls," Mother Annie choked, as all three of them wrapped us in a hug.

"We'll miss you too," I said as we let go. Sierra and I joined Adam and Alesa, and I stood on one side of Alesa while Sierra stood on one side of Adam, and in the middle, Adam and Alesa were holding hands.

This was the perfect family, even though I experienced how childish they actually were once we got home.

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