Chapter Nineteen

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"Ash, mind if I come in?" I asked, lightly knocking on the bedroom door. Even though it was my room too, I didn't want to disturb Ashley.

"Yeah," she whispered, and I calmly walked in. She sat on the bed, fiddling with her phone. I took a seat beside her, and she just sighed.

"Ash, please tell me what happened," I asked, starting to get worried. I was silently praying that she wouldn't flip her lid on me. But she sighed, placing her phone beside her and turned to face me.

"When me and you were chilling up here before we left, my mom sent me an extremely long text..." she trailed off, grabbing her phone. Once she got to the message, she read it aloud,

"I'm so fucking glad you got out of my house. I never wanted you, you were a complete waste of space in my life and my house. I don't even understand how your sorry ass has friends that care about you. You aren't worthy of shit. You know, when you were a baby, I tried to kill you many times, but your father caught me. Apparently he didn't care either, he could've called the cops or something. But no, thankfully. Nobody in this family wants you. You're a pathetic whore that I wish I could kill. Good riddance, bitch."

Ashley stopped and stared at me. I was speechless, but my eyes were wide.

"And right after I read that, I went on Twitter just to find even more hate. I just broke down," Ashley sighed, fiddling with her phone. I didn't know what to do. Until I leaned over and hugged her. She hugged me even tighter.

"If you ever need to cry, I'll be here to wipe your eyes," I said, reassurance in my voice.

No one was going to get away with putting Ash in pain.


Later that night, after Sierra was put to bed and Adam was filming, Alesa called me downstairs.

"Yeah mom?" I asked, sort of wondering what she wanted.

"I heard your convo with Ash today," she said, walking into the living room. I followed, and we sat down on the couch. She looked extremely worried.

"Yeah. Honestly I don't know what to do," I sighed, looking around the living room. I was stuck now.

"We can always change her phone number," Alesa suggested, and I grinned. Somehow I didn't think of that. But then my smile drooped.

"What about Twitter?" I asked.

"Block all of her haters," Alesa said.

"She wouldn't do it on her own, she likes to torture herself for some reason," I answered, thinking why she did.

"Get ahold of her phone somehow. I'll distract her tomorrow," Alesa planned, and I grinned evilly. One way or another, I was going to help Ashley.

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