Chapter Six

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"Sis, wake up. It's ten in the morning," Sierra whispered directly in my ear. I rolled over, still thinking I was sound asleep at the orphanage, until I heard Alesa's voice on the other side of the door.

"Good morning girls!"

Nearly knocking Sierra over, I rolled out of my bed and onto her trundle. I glanced at the alarm clock on the dressed. Well, Sierra wasn't kidding.

"C'mon, let's get dressed," I said, walking over to the closet. I pulled out a pink and white striped t-shirt, then wandered over to my drawer to grab my white shorts. Sierra pulled out a sundress from the closet.

While tying my one pair of white Converse, Sierra huffed.

"I don't want to wear my white sneakers," she pointed to her white Converse.

"But they match, and it's the only pair of shoes you have," I reminded her and she groaned as she pulled them on. If you can't tell, Sierra is sweet along with picky and stubborn.

We headed downstairs to where Adam and Alesa were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping their coffee. They were chatting about something, and Adam looked extremely worried. Once they noticed us standing in the doorway, their expressions completely changed.

"Morning butter butts," Adam grinned.

"Don't make me Sharkeisha you!" I threatened, slowly making my way towards him. He jumped back, his coffee nearly sloshing over the edge of the mug he was still holding.

"S-she knows who Sharkeisha is!" he screeched, pointing at me with a shaky finger.

Groaning, I retorted, "You act like you adopted me out of a hole in the ground."

"Maybe I did," he replied back with just as much sass, and then we stopped. Sierra was patiently sitting at the table beside Adam, and Alesa was up, starting to make us breakfast.

"What do you girls like?" she asked, examining the kitchen cabinets and the fridge.

"Waffles are good. Do you guys have them?" I asked.

"Adam, these girls are definitely yours," Alesa chuckled, glancing at Adam before looking back in the the freezer.

She continued, "We only have chocolate chip waffles. Is that okay?"

"Sure," I said.

We waited at the table as Alesa made us all waffles. Adam started making stupid faces, like the ones from his "Spontaneous Trick-or-Treating" video. Alesa had finally set our waffles in front of us, and as she gave Adam his, he kissed her and whispered, "Thank you baby."

"Aww, you guys are so cute together! Hashtag Adesa!" I teased, pretending to take a photo. Alesa sat down beside me, smiling.

"I'm going to get the guys after breakfast," Adam announced, and I smiled. Afterwords, we all ate in silence. As I did so, I kept thinking about Adam's worried expression from earlier. What was bugging him?


"I'm going to get the idiots!" Adam cheered, heading out the door. Sierra was at the bottom of the stairwell, and she announced,

"I'm going to my room mommy!"

Alesa came out of the kitchen, and it fell silent. She looked at me, then at Sierra, and picked Sierra up.

"You don't know how happy it makes me to be considered your mom," she said hugging Sierra, then putting her down and hugging me. Sierra smiled, and then galloped up the stairs.

Alesa then looked at me, and the same worrisome expression that struck Adam's face earlier appeared on her.

"I need to talk to you Crystal. You'll understand," she whispered, and I followed her into the living room, where we sat side by side on the couch.

"Well, before you girls came along, Adam and I had gotten into so many arguments. A few times, he would even say he regretted breaking up with Dawn because if he didn't, he wouldn't have to put up with me. You girls basically saved us from breaking up. This leads to what we were discussing this morning," she said, trying her hardest not to cry. I hugged her tight, letting her cry on my shoulder.

"It's okay mom, I'm right here for you," I whispered. We let go, and she smiled before continuing.

"This morning, he apparently heard the news that Dawn was in the hospital. In our arguments, without meaning to, he has admitted to still having extreme feelings for her. He was extremely worried, and didn't know what had happened. Ty told him that Jocelyn was at the hospital, visiting her mom. Next thing you knew, she saw a stretcher with a woman on it being rushed to the ER. Sure enough, she recognized her. It was Dawn," Alesa said, tracing her finger over the fabric of the couch cushion.

"Oh my god," I whispered, "I was always a fan of Dawn. I hope she's okay." Then my hands flew over my mouth, realizing I had just said that in front of Alesa. She shook it off, grinning.

"But yeah. He's going to go see if Dawn is okay before getting the guys," she said, "let's hope he doesn't fall in love with her again and give up on me." At this point, Alesa looked extremely upset. I grabbed the tissues off the coffee table, and handed them to Alesa. That's when she started bawling. My heart shattered.

"Mom, please don't cry!" I said, almost crying myself. I hugged her tight.

"I had better go get dressed and do my make-up," she said, letting go of me and running upstairs. Now I was worried. I saw Alesa's phone, and grabbed it, finding Adam's contact and calling it.

It rang a few times before Adam picked up, "Hey baby."

"Don't 'hey baby' me. Alesa just ran upstairs, bawling. She told me about your guys' arguments and what you two were discussing this morning. Don't fuck shit up Adam. You found a great woman to be with, stay with her," I lectured him.

I heard him sigh, and he said, "Listen, I'm sitting by Dawn's bedside as we speak. I'll talk to you once I get home."

"Is she okay?" I asked, now quite curious.

"Yeah, she's fine, thankfully. She's sitting up and staring at me," he laughed. I heard Dawn laugh too.

"Am I on speaker?" I questioned


"You little shit!"

"I love this girl already!" I heard Dawn say.

"Hey, I already loved you!" I replied, smiling.

"I'll let you meet Dawn once she's well again," Adam said, almost secretive, "just make sure Alesa doesn't find out. Dawn didn't do anything wrong, but I know she'll flip."

"I'd love to. I don't think Alesa would have a problem with it," I said.

"Problem with what?" I heard her say.

"Oh fuck," Adam whispered, and then I realized we were stuck.

"Adam will tell you once he gets home!" I said, hanging up the phone, running past Alesa and up to my room. Who knew there was this much drama already?

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