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Mar'i's POV
I lay next to my worst enemy turned boyfriend, tracing patterns across his cheekbones. He wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me closer, not opening his eyes. We had the perfect relationship — "Mar'i." I heard a knock on my door and instantly sat up, pushing him off my bed. "Come in." I called — well, the almost perfect relationship. You see, the thing is, what made our relationship so perfect was the fact that no one knew about it.

The door opened just a fraction and my adoptive grandfather poked his head in. "Morning Mar'i. You haven't seen Damian, have you?" He asked. I quickly shook my head. "Sorry, no." I mumbled. He frowned slightly. "Okay. If you do can you tell him he has a meeting at twelve today. He can't miss another one or the board will have my head." He curtly said. I nodded, "If I see him I'll let him know." I smiled as he bobbed his head and left.

I leant over the side of the bed to see Damian glaring up at me. "A little warning next time would be appreciated." He muttered as I grinned. "I'm so so sorry, how could I ever make it up to you?" I over exaggeratedly kissed him and he smirked, "I can think of a few ways." He murmured.

I giggled and pushed him off of me. "Unless you can stop time, you'll have to wait till later." I pecked his cheek and he annoyedly collapsed back onto the bed, "I don't even need to go to work." He groaned as I supportively nodded. I had heard this speech a million times. "Yeah yeah, you're only seventeen, you don't need a job and you already have a university level education. Not to mention the fact that you're totally loaded..." I rephrased the points that he always made which made him smirk. "And I thought you didn't listen to me."

I ignored his last remark and continued. "Unless you wanna go to work in your boxers I would leave now." I quickly leant over and kissed him before he nodded and rushed through the door, striding across the hallway and disappearing into his room, which happened to be across the hall from mine.

I had a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a white blouse before walking downstairs to find that Damian was already gone. I hid my frown and smiled at Steph and Tim, who were hanging on the couch. "Hey guys." I said, plonking down beside them. "Hey Mar'i. Shouldn't you be at school?" Tim asked as I raised an eyebrow, "Dude. It's Saturday." I mumbled. He shot a confused look at Steph, who pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah." She said as he looked around in confusion, "Oh."

I snickered at him, "One of the best detectives in the world and you don't even know what day it is." I tsk-ed as he laughed, "I'm still a good detective. For example, I know about your secret boyfriend." He smirked as I tried to hide the shocked expression that passed across my face, "I don't know what you're talking about." I stiffly mumbled as he tilted his head at me, "Move your hair for a second." He asked. I suddenly became very aware of the bruises that Damian had left on my neck last night. Busted.

I very slowly moved my hair and gathered it on one side of my neck and Steph raised and eyebrow, "Wow. Who is this guy?" She asked as I blushed. There was no way Tim could know that. Everyone still thought Damian and I hated each other.

"I'm not saying anything." I nervously pulled my hair back around my throat. "I assume it's someone in the Titans..." Tim began to think aloud, "So there's, Damian, Garfield, Jonathan, Wally and Colin." He counted them all on his fingers before continuing, "Well, it's definitely not Gar, he's with Raven and you hate Damian so it's between Jon, Wally and Colin." He said as I rolled my eyes and got up, relieved that they ruled out Damian. "I'll leave you to it." I snickered as they began debating who it was.

I let out a long sigh and ran upstairs, locking myself in my room until they got over it.


2 hours later
I stood, mortified, in the middle of the living room. Literally the whole extended family was gathered in the Manor, discussing my alleged relationship with either Colin, Jon or Wally. And when I say literally, I'm not exaggerating in the slightest. Even Helena was there. I'm not even sure if they all knew what was happening, but that's the thing about our crazy, messed up family; they didn't know when to stop.

The front door opened and a very pissed off Damian entered, thrown off by the sudden presence of everyone. He let out a growl of frustration and shouted. "What the fuck are you all doing here!" His voice instantly ripped through the chatter, surprising me. He was usually so sweet with me.

"We're trying to figure out who Mar'i's secret boyfriend is." Jason hollered as Damian became further aggravated and shot me an irritated look. I shrugged in response and he crossed his arms as the debate picked up again, which was mainly just Steph and Jason screaming at each other. It didn't help that the two most opinionated people in the world were at opposite sides.

This continued for a minute or two until Damian became angry. "Fuck it." He grumbled, but I could barely hear him over the clammer of collective voices. I didn't exactly know what he meant by that, but his eyes locked on mine and he walked towards me and pressed his lips to mine. I sighed in relief at the feeling of having him close to me again. I was so distracted by the kiss that I didn't notice that everyone had stopped talking. So distracted that I didn't notice the fifteen dropped jaws of people staring at us. Damian eventually pulled away and, in a low, gruff voice said, "We have an audience." He spoke quietly so only I could hear it. "Not anymore." I whispered, dragging him upstairs.

"Door open!" I heard someone shout from below. Damian scoffed beside me, "Yeah right."

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