1: Smooth Waters

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Aphmau's POV:

I took a deep breath, taking in the salty air of the ocean blue. Strong winds blew, helping our ship move against the waves. As we got closer to Tu'la by the second, I felt my heart beat faster. I sighed, thinking about my daughters in some enchanted forest with some child of a man and a riddle some witch. Don't get me wrong, I trust Garroth and Hyria with my life but, it's motherly instincts.

"Aphmau," Asked a smooth voice.

I turned to see Lucinda, standing there in her natural beauty. Sometimes I wonder how whenever I walk with her, people notice me instead of her.

"Yes," I asked, smiling.

"Are you thinking of something," She asked. "You have that face on."

"Face? What face?"

She demonstrated by narrowing her eyes slightly and pulling her brows together. Her lips were pierced a bit, making it seem more angry than focused.

"Do I really do that," I asked, with a soft giggle. "I seem really upset!"

"Eh, maybe I'm exaggerating," She shrugged. "I'm just wondering, what has made you so silent this whole time?"

"Just thinking. Lucinda, this could be very dangerous, especially now with the word going around that I'm some...monster."

She placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You're not a monster and you know that. You're just the protecting the ones you cared for."

"I know but, Alina and Lilith...I haven't seen them in a month now," I groaned, leaning on the railing. "I don't know what I've gotten myself into..."

"Is it because you don't trust Garroth?"

"What!? No!"

"Then, why are you worried?"

I stood silent.

"Aph, Garroth can be childish and stubborn but, you know when he has a job to protect, he will take it seriously."

"I know. I'm just more concerned what my daughters think of me."

Lucinda smiled.

"They probably think the world of you."


"Good afternoon," Lo said, walking up to us. "Is everything okay?"

I smiled, seeing the calming face of Lo.

"Yeah, now it is," I say. "How's the course to Tu'la going?"

"Perfect. We should arrive there at dawn."

"Great," Lucinda said, taking a sigh of relief. "I'm so tired of traveling."

"Heh, don't worry," I giggled. "After this, I think we'll all need a break at home."

"Thank you! I'm sick and tired using these old potions! Also, I can't stand the beds and rocking on this wooden...tub!"

I laughed at Lucinda's reaction to home. She always did make things lighter.

"Well, anyways," I say, placing my hands on my hips. "I'm going to keep an eye out. You two rest. It's starting to get late."

"You sure," Lo asked. "You seem pretty tired."

"I'll be fine. Besides, I might go to bed soon anyways."

They nodded and walked below deck. I sighed and looked out again. The sea looked like it went out for eternity, for no man to never see land again. It just made me think about my daughters more. How I might never see them again. Or Katelyn. Or Travis. Or Garroth. No one.

An idea came to my head. I wasn't able to get my communication amulet again but, I could do it another way.

I walk inside my quarters and get parchment and with a pen and ink. I sat down at the table and started to write.


Who do I make it out to? Hyria? My girls? Who would be the worried the most?

Dear Garroth,

      I'm sorry this message is so late. I know it's been weeks since I left and I haven't said a word. Don't worry. I'm fine. We were able to find Lucinda but, because of problems, I wasn't able to return to pick you up and join us again. I have met someone new, his name is Lo and has been very helpful. You're going to love him! Anyways, I'm sorry for leaving you with my girls for so long. Have they been good?  Are they well? I was think about you all today and I'm starting to get worried.

How are you? I would think you would send some pigeon out by now to find me. I know you're probably very busy with well, everything.

We're heading to Tu'la to find Menphia's relic and then, we'll be going home for a while. I promise I'll be back soon.


I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Now to send it. We didn't have a bird. Maybe...Maybe Lucinda has something. I walk quietly down to the sleeping quarters and gently shook Lucinda.

"Wake up," I whisper.

She grumbled and sat up.

"What is it," She asked in the same volume.

"Can you send this letter to Garroth for me?"

She smirked and said;

"Do you finally have a crush on him?"

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Just send it."

She took the letter and pulled out her staff from under her bed. With a simple tap, it disappeared in a burst of light.


I nodded and slugged over to my bed.

"You really miss your daughters? Don't you?"

"All of them."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"All three of them."

Word Count

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