8: Dinner

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Garroth's POV:

After Aphmau calmed down, we just just sat their silently. My arms were still wrapped around her. It was nice to just have quiet for once. I wanted to tell her so many things but, I just couldn't. I don't know what happened to her. I hated that I even raised my voice at her. I wanted the silence to last longer, just enjoy this until, I heard soft snores. I looked down at her and I noticed she fell asleep I smiled weakly and decided to tuck her in. I kneeled down and kissed her head. Moments after, I heard the door creak open. I wanted to cry tears of joy of who I saw at the door. Yet, I couldn't just yet. I told them to be quiet and we walked out of the room. After the coast was clear, I hugged Vylad and my Father tightly. I sobbed, overjoyed to see them both. I had so many questions but, I didn't need answers. All I needed was them.

"Hey...don't cry," Vylad chuckled. "You're gonna make me cry."

"It's great to see you too, my son."


Shortly after the reunion, Vylad and my Father heard the news that Mom was back at O'Khasis. They decided to leave that day, hesitantly, knowing that I would have to stay. I hugged them goodbye and watched them leave for home. Lucinda smiled at me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's good to see you," She smirked. "We needed a blonde back!"

She ruffled my hand and I chuckled. I was thankful I was getting out of the room after Hyria inspected my cut and told me I was safe to leave.

"It's been a while since I've seen you," I smiled, crossing my arms. "You still look as beautiful as ever."

"Aw! You make me blush," She joked.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I looked over at the porch to see Alina and Lilth running over to me. I went down and opened my arms, letting them run into me, showering me with hugs.

"Uncle Garroth is happy to see you both too," I chuckled.

"You were so cool," Lilth exclaimed, holding her toy sword. "You kicked some Tu'la butt!"

"I want to learn how to fight just like you Daddy," Alina exclaimed.

I nervously smiled at Lucinda. She only giggled.

"What did 'Daddy' do," She asked.

"He blasted them all the way to the other side of the world! It was so cool," Alina exclaimed, doing a clumsy presentation.

"Oh really?"

They both nodded, smiling. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Girls! Dinner's ready," Hyria called.

They giggled as they ran off.

"So much for Uncle Garroth," I say, putting my hands on my hips.

"They'll grow out of it, I'm sure," Lucinda smiled. "But it's so cute! You know Lilth could actually be your daughter. Blonde hair, blue eyes?"

I laughed.

"The last thing that will ever happen is me having daughter."


We went inside and sat at the table. Hyria served us tomato soup and salad. The girls loved her soup and since that these are probably the last few nights they might be here, I'm sure Hyria wants to make them happy.

"Mom, they're going to start calling you grandma," Lucinda whined.

"Well, since I don't see any grandbabies from you soon, I'll take what I'll get."

Lucinda rolled her eyes while I laughed. I heard feet coming down the stairs as Aphmau came to join us. She yawned and sat in the chair next to me. We smiled at each other and enjoyed our meal. Lucinda mumbled something under her breath but, I payed no mind. Aphmau seemed to have heard it though and gave her a glare. Lucinda only stuck her tongue out. I, again, was obvious to everything. I think Aphmau wanted a come back so, she slyly said;

"So, Luci. How's things with Travis going?"

She choked on her soup. The girls and I laughed. Aphmau smirked, satisfied with herself.

"Now, now," Hyria chuckled. "We should all calm down. We need to finish everything before everything gets cold."

"Thank you again Hyria," I say. "This meal is lovely."

Aphmau growled. I looked at her confused. Was I missing something? ...Again? Yes, Garroth, you're perfect for Aphmau...

We all continued our light hearted meal, laughing catching up. The journey they both had sounded...amazing. On the otherside, I wanted to punch this Lo guy in the face for betraying Aphmau.

Her smile, though, hasn't changer. She looked exhausted but, her smile still lit up the room. Just like she does for my life.

Do I still love Aphmau? Yes, very much so. Do I ever have a chance with her? Never. After her love for Aaron, I kinda dealt with the fact that I wasn't going to get her. The one regret I have still, is that I didn't help Laurance.

I wonder what he's doing tonight...

After dinner, we cleared up and went into rooms. Lucinda slept in her old room, Hyria in herself's, Alina and Lilth slept with Aphmau and I went into my room. Exhausted, I went under my covers and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before someone entered the room. I noticed it was Aphmau and I assumed she left something in here before dinner so, I didn't pay any mind to it. That was until, I felt warmth next to me. I turned over and saw that she had gotten into bed next to me.

"Is everything okay," I asked.

"Yeah..the girls are just crazy sleepers."

"I see."

"You don't mind?"


It was silent until she turned to face me.

"I'm sorry...for yelling at you," She said.

"No, I'm sorry. You were only looking out for me," I say.

I heard her laugh a little.

"Can we...take a walk tomorrow?"


"Yeah. I just want to catch up."


With that, we went silent for the rest of the night. All I had to question was why she wanted to take a walk with me. I guess I would find out tomorrow.


Aphmau's POV:

Maybe...Maybe Lucinda has a point.

Word Count

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