14: Brothers

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Laurance's POV:

One week later...

A whole week since I've been back. Vylad is here, helping me. Everyone is to be honest. But...all I worry about is what the rebellion is doing without me. I remember Zenix saying how we're a team and if we split, we don't have a chance. I don't plan on going back...ever but, what if it's the wrong choice?

"Did I mention that I love your hair cut?"

The most who's helped me Dante, Aphmau, and Garroth. Since I've known them the longest, they make me feel calm.

"What? Are you jealous," I smirked at Garroth.

"Nah," He chuckled.

I looked back at the water. I found this place, a few days ago. I come here. There's a rock shaped like a chair so you can sit and look at the magnificent waterfall, leading to a clear water river that is surrounded by lush green trees and grass.

"It's amazing," I say. "Isn't it?"

"Yeah. It is."

I motion for him to sit down. He does and takes a seat on the 'arm' of the rock chair.

"What's it like," He asked.

"Nice. It's weird. I haven't been able to turn...even when U want to."

"You want to?"

"Not like that. Just to see if I feel any different from when I was before as...my shadow."

"I see..."

Birds were chirping in the morning sun.

"How's everything with Aphmau going," I smirked.

He blushed and I laughed, seeing his red face for the first time in ages.

"It's f-fine. We aren't a thing y-yet though, so don't give your hopes up."

I stopped. Seriously? Not a thing? I caught them pretty much eating their faces yesterday! How's it not a thing?

"Aph wants to take it slow."

"Slow my you know what."


"I'm serious!"

He smiled and but his lip.


"I'm sorry but, I still cannot get the image of you with long burnette hair out of my head!"

I groaned.

"Garroth! Laurance!"

We looked back to see our blue haired friend.

"Dante, can you please tell Garroth to stop bothering me about my hair!"

"Well, it's your fault for not cutting it."

"We didn't have scissors and there was no way I'm cutting my hair off with a sword!"

"Whatever. But, I have to say that your armor improvement looks nice," Garroth smiled.

My armor was nice. I have to admit. Cadenza was so nice to make one for all three of us. She missed us having matching outfits. We all wore a cape of our signature color with a brown vest with a black cotton shirt and pants under. She gave us matching leather gloves with gold embodiment on them with matching boots. Katelyn supplied us with actual protection but, Cadenza added the flare. What made it all come to together was a golden Phoenix pin that pinned the ends of our capes together to come around our necks.

"...I'm not gonna lie," I say, grabbing their full attention. "For once, I'm actually worried if I'm gonna die..."

They didn't say anything and looked at the ground. We didn't need to say anything. Everyone was already thinking the same thing.

"How about we change the topic," Dante suggested. "Garroth, how are things with Aphmau?"

He narrowed his eyes causing Dante and I to go in a fit of laughter.

"Like I said to Laurance, we aren't really a thing yet so-"

"Not from yesterday," I say nudging him.

"What happened," Dante smirked.

"Let's say Garroth was having a ice plate of apple pie as Kyle likes to say it."

Dante was laughing on the ground with Garroth blushing a whole new shade of red that I had never seen before.

"We only kissed!"

"For thirty minutes!"

"You were watching that long!?"

"No! But, the hickeys on your neck prove my statement."


I playfully kept poking him causing Dante to laugh his head off. Garroth's head was a beet red from everything.

"Well, it looks like you boys seem to be having fun," Aphmau came over, crossing her arms. She saw the red Garroth, the laughing Dante, and me, teasing her boyfriend. "I have to say though, I think you broke my record. I've never seen him that red."

Dante was pretty much choking at this point.

"How is everything, Laurance," She asked.

"Okay, I still have to get used to everything," I say. "I also have to deal with the fact Garroth beat me to you but, eh, it's fun to tease him."

Aphmau smiled softly, kissing his cheek.

"This is a nice place," She says. "I'm glad you found it."

"Yeah...me too."

Word Count


I know it's short but, bare with me. It's a filler...again. I hate when i write fillers but, it has to be done.

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