2: Tu'la

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Aphmau's POV:

We dock away from the main city, on the other side of Tu'la island. There was a white sand beach then, thick woods. Lucinda, Lo, and I look into the woods, a bit curious by it.

"What do you think is in there," Lucinda asked

"Like the forest back at Ru'an," Lo said.

We both looked at him, shocked that he knew that. Back at Ru'an, we don't have much information about the geography of Tu'la. It was odd that he knew that.


"Nothing," I say, ignoring it. He was probably just well educated. "Let's go."

We walk into the woods, swords out. Only rays of light guided us.

"So, ladies, what's the plan," Lo asked.

Lucinda and I smirked, knowing who we were going to see first.

"Have you ever heard of the Ro'Meave family?"

"Yes! Who hasn't?"

"Well," Lucinda says, keeping her eyes forward. "Have you've heard of Vylad Ro'Meave?"

"Rarely. Didn't he pass away a few decades ago?"

"Almost," I say. "You know the all quite famous Zane Ro'Meave?" Lo grunted, symbolizing that he did. "Well, Vylad went through the same situation as he did. He became a shadow knight and came to our aid of need. Now, since Garte Ro'Meave is captured by Tu'la, he resigns here, to keep an eye."

"So, he's a spy?"

"I guess you can say that."

He nodded.

"Do you know Garroth Ro'Meave?"

I nodded and giggled.

"He's my Guard. Maybe one day you'll meet him," I say. "He's a bit of a goofball but, you learn to cope with it. Anyways, we're going to meet up with Vylad and see if he knows anything. He's been gone for...months now. No word from him. But, from his last letter, he told us where to find him."


We continue to follow the trail until we ended up to a fork in the road. I nudged at Lucinda who closed her eyes for moment and opened them.

"He's...hidden but, I know which direction at least," She said. "Right."

We did so and soon, we ended up in a overgrown hut. I think that's what you call it. There was a put out fire, tent, and post with a horse tied next to it. We walked closer to it to find no residents. Confused, I pulled out the now older letter from Vylad. He did describe his hide out like this.

"Maybe he's just out," Lucinda assured me. "Let's wait a bit."

I sighed and agreed. We started making camp by the hut and decided just to decompress from the journey here.

"Well, you all seem comfortable."

I sit up to see the emerald eyed man himself. His brown chocolate hair hasn't changed from its messy self and his skin was tan just like his oldest brother's.

"Sorry, it took you awhile to get here," I teased. "We thought we can make ourselves at home."

"Oh, no worries," He says, placing down his bag. "I was wondering when you would pay me a visit." He noticed Lo by the tent. He looked a bit unsettled. "Who's this?"

"This is Lo. He's a new member of our group."

"I see. Where ya from?"

Lo nervously rubbed the back of his neck.


"He isn't comfortable saying," I told Vylad. "He came from a rough place."


He sighed and crossed his arms. "I'm shock more of you didn't come but, eh, I'm not complaining. What can do you need?"

"We found out there might be a chance that Menphia's relic is here in Tu'la. Is there anything you know about that?"

He thought for a moment.

"Maybe. I've heard rumors that the king knows where it might be but...nobody has met him. He barely leaves his palace and doesn't communicate. Hence why my Father isn't out of prison yet."

"Do you at least know how we could get in," Lucinda asked. "On Good terms at least."

"Not that I know. Trust me. I've been trying to get in to the palace to ask him to release my Father or at least know his where about's but, I have had no luck. Not even the guards here will hear my plead."

"Do they know your a Ro'Meave," I asked, a bit worried for his state. "Vylad, if you blow your cover, everything could go wrong."

"I know but, thankfully no. I've been pretending to be one of his loyal guards that wants to know what happened to him. But, what I've gotten, information wise, is that the prison is under the palace."

"I see...what your saying is, if we can get into the prison, we'll get into the palace," Lucinda guessed.

"Yes. I just don't know how to get through the walls."

Lucinda giggled.

"Have you ever tried magicks?"

"No. No one is willing to help and...to be honest, I'm trying to stay away with my own. With the calling still...you know."

I went wide eyed.

"The calling is still happening?"

"Yes, unfortunately. Shad is trying to get every last soldier in his army."

"How are you," I asked.

"I could be better. The sense is really getting stronger but, I hope he'll give up and work with what he's got."

I sighed, remembering Laurance. Vylad seemed to noticed and smiled softly.

"He's strong. Don't worry."

I eased up a bit and got my mind back into focus. Menphia.

"Let's get to the prison, release you're Father and sneak into the palace," I suggested. "That way, we'll get two birds with one stone."

"Aph, what if you get caught," Lo said in concern. "You've already have so much on your plate as it is."

"I'll be fine. If something happens...I have to use my magicks again but, I'll work it out."

He sighed and agreed.

"Since it's agreed upon, we'll head out when the sun is starting to set. This way we can get into the city easier without being watched too hard," Vylad said. "With last of the guards at Ru'an, many don't guard at night."

We all agreed. When the sun sets, we'll head out.

I just am hoping everything goes to Plan.

Word Count

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