3: Garte Ro'Meave

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Aphmau's POV:

Hoods over our heads, we walk into the dark city. Only a few candle lights lit up various windows. Vylad was right about the cut being few in guards. Barely any seem to roam the cobblestone roads.

"Where is everyone," I asked.

"Sleeping or in Ru'an," Vylad said. "I think the people are too scared to be out this late."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Lucinda says, shuttering a bit.

Lo was quiet, taking it in, I assume. We continued to walk, watching our steps, eyes on the back of our heads. We neared the palace walls. Like I imagined, all of the missing guards were there.

"What's the plan now," Lucinda asked.

"We move to the side of the wall then, jump over...somehow," Vylad said, hesitating a bit.

I could see his worry. The wall was pretty big. Non of us could fly...at least that I know of.

"I'll stay here and keep watch," Lo said. "If any come your direction, I'll come run and find you."

"But, Lo-"

"Nope. You three need to go. Besides, what if you all get captured. Someone has to save you."

He did have a fair point. We agreed with this horrible plan and went in the direction of the left side of the wall. We made it, thankfully. We pulled our hoods down, once the coast was clear.

"Now, to jump over," Lucinda thought.

"Can't you teleport us there," Vylad asked.

"No. I don't know this area," Lucinda responded.

They both looked at me.


Vylad sighed and Lucinda facepalmed.

"What," I demanded.

"You have flipping flapping wings Aphmau," Lucinda shouted, a little too loud for our liking.

"Oh...I-I'll try."

I took a moment of silence to think and focus on one thing. My relic. I thought about my form and the power that surges through my veins when it does so. Nothing.

"C'mon Aph. You got this. Think of something that gives you strength."






Lucinda and Vylad.


All that would happen to them if I didn't find this dang relic.

A flash.

A surge.

I looked at my back and saw that wings were glowing from my back. Before I could lose it, I grabbed the two's wrist and used my strength to flap my wings and eventually, we reached the other side of the wall. I safely got the two safely to the ground but, I collapsed with a thud.

"Aphmau! Are you okay," They both exclaimed.

I nodded and got up. My wings were already gone but, we were on the other side and that's all that matters.

"Let's go."

Vylad lead the way. We ran all the way around the palace and found an open window in the kitchen. With the help, I was hoisted up and helped the other two up.

Diamonds///Garmau Fanfic///Prequel to 'Immortality'Where stories live. Discover now