25: Camp

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Aphmau's POV:

I was thankful that the camp was set up so quickly. All villages had agreed to come and help. I mean, why wouldn't they? If Shad takes over Ru'an, they'd all be in trouble. But, still a few days? I couldn't tell if they are all just hard workers or just nervous about everything that they are speeding through preparations.

"Okay, Scaleswind's section is in the east section of the camp,", Katelyn says, pointing at the area on the layout map. "Bright Port is by the north, Meteli is west and Pikoro is the south. Phoenix Drop is right in the middle."

"Good,", I say as cheerfully as I could. "I'm happy that Haley sent a few guards to Ru'an to help."

"It's great!"

I rolled up the map and placed it in the corner of the tent. A large table was in the middle to where all the lords could meet and discuss plans for battle. Katelyn and I walked out to see the large, crowded, and busy camp that the Phoenix Alliance had created. Hyria allowed us to set the camp in her forest in an large open plain. That way, my girls were still very guarded by the large trees and I was comforted by that thought. I felt confident in the size of our army. Sadly, we didn't know the amount of knights Shad had in his...
But, I'm keeping positive.

"Any word from O'Khasis?", Katelyn asked, I shook my head. Change it to trying to keep positive. The beam of Garroth's barrier had disappeared a few hours prior first seeing it. I just caused my worry to grow. "I'm sure he's fine. Besides-"

"How are you sure?", I asked. "No village here is near O'Khasis."

She chuckled.

"It's Garroth. It's like he escapes death every chance he gets."

"What do you mean?"

"Hm, let me see,", She says, beginning to count with her fingers. "He was shot by an arrow which he was saved by some miracle, almost was killed by his brother in the Irene Dimension, and got stabbed by Tu'la Guards and was saved by stitches from witch. Trust me, if there's one thing I know about that man, is that he always finds a way."

"Heh, I guess you're right,", I giggled, "We just have to...hope."


I mean, it's only been three days since the beam faded away. I still was shocked at what power his relic held and I had to ask Hyria if I should worry about it. Unfortunately, I was bit tied up at the moment and couldn't just go an extravagant quest to find answers.

"You still have the fragment?", Katelyn asked again, to which I nodded to. "I was to afraid to part with it,", I responded. "Besides, you never know. Someone in this army could be a perfect candidate."

Katelyn smiled and patted me gently on the back.

"I applaud your attitude in this situation, Lady Aphmau,", She says. "You have to give me tips on day."

"You're not too bad yourself, Katelyn."

She gave me hug with a smile and waved goodbye as she went to go train some guards.

"Lady Aphmau!"

I snapped my neck back to the voice and saw a energetic Liochant running towards me.

"You won't believe what's going on!"

He grabbed my arm as he pulled me with me with him. I giggled at his excitement.

"What's the big deal?", I asked through laughter.

He shushed me as he lead me to a tent to where I almost gasped at the sight.

"Well, Isabel,", Laurance smirked. "You definitely have made a huge change since the last time we've met."

"You as well,", Says an old friend, Isabel.

She was wearing a suit of armor. Meteli's to be exact. I couldn't help but, notice a Captain's badge on her right shoulder. She had a golden handle sword to match her green and yellow sash in her scabbard with a tear shaped emerald inside. Her hair was cut to her shoulders with the same wave to it as last time. She had definitely changed...

"Who knew you were so talented with a sword,", Laurance smiled. "Where did that come from?"

"My grandparents were guards before they retired and became bakers,", She says. "They taught me things such as sword and spear fighting as well as bow and arrow."

"You didn't think to mention this me before?"

She shrugged and smirked;

"You seemed to be caught up in other things. I heard about your whole...rebellion in the Nether. How'd that go?"

"I decided to quit the job."


"Too far from home."

I couldn't help but, mentally aw at the two. I remember the shy Isabel we met outside of Pikoro three years ago and I was shocked to see her now...Once she left the Phoenix Alliance island, I thought she went back to Pikoro to restart her family business. Then again, I should've been worried for her when it got attacked... But, still.

"Well, if you're ever in Meteli after this,", She says. "Which I know you will, let me know. It would be so nice to catch up with you. You know, when we aren't preparing for war."

"Agreed,", He chuckled. "I cannot wait to meet this new Isabel."

(I couldn't remember if it was Isabel or Isabella. Let me know if I was wrong.)

"I cannot wait to meet the old but, new Laurance."

With that, she walked off. I saw Laurance with a slight blush on his face. I couldn't wait to bug him with this later.


The night was never my favorite here. It was always too quiet in my tent and cold. I couldn't bare it. I would toss and turn for hours, until I was able to close my eye for a few moments of sleep. I didn't understand why. I was able to sleep peacefully in a tent previously. Why now all of sudden? Was it fear or anxiousness? Or was I really not that comfortable? Everything now a days doesn't make sense to me. For goodness sakes, one day, I'm a normal girl then I'm some Saint. All that seemed to make sense was my friends and family. They really never changed. Sure. Some came and went...some in different forms...
I turned to my left side, trying to find a comfortable place on my cot. My blanket was pulled to my shoulders and my pillow was soft against my head. As I felt my eyes get heavy, a gust of wind came through an opening in my tent. I shivered, the feeling of cold ice glide on my back. I just kept my eyes close and my shivering to a minimum.

Moments after, I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and my shaking came to a stop. The figure was laying down next to me. I looked back and gasped at the surprise.

"Garroth!", I exclaimed.

He was sitting up with his other arm on one side. He was smiling brightly down at me, his hair slightly over his eyes.

"I promise you I'd be back,", He chuckled.

I wrapped my arms around him, sitting up as well. I was so happy at that moment and relieved to have him back.

"I was so worried when your barrier went down,", I whispered into his shoulder, "I thought you got hurt or O'Khasis was destroyed...even worse..."

"Hey, it's okay,", He says, rubbing circles onto my back. "Wake up...."


"Wake up, Aph."

I sat up with a jolt. The sun was rising through my tent and...Garroth wasn't next to me.

It was all some sick dream...

Some awful, twisted dream...

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