Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
( Brianna & her older brother Brent at the top ) ( 19 & 20 years old )
"I'm done ! I can't take it anymore. All you do is blame me for things that aren't my fault. You blame me for stuff Brent did and you blame me for dad dying !," I spat at my mother. She looked at me in disbelief that I really just said that. "Bri , you know that's not true." She sighed, rubbing the side of her arm as she looked at the ground. She only does that when she's lying. I groan in frustration and pound my fist on the table.
At that moment, my brother Brent comes in to see what's wrong. "Why are you guys yelling ?" He sits down next to me at the table and pours himself a glass of milk. "Alright talk . What's wrong this time ?" I look over to my mother and glare. " The same as usual,"I get up and start to walk away not wanting to explain anymore , but Brent stops me.
"Brent , let me go ," I yell, snapping my hand back from him. I head for the door and swim away as fast as I can. Oh did I forgot to mention I'm a mermaid, so is the rest of my family. I use all the strength I have and swim to my secret place a few miles away from the shore. I finally arrive and jump on to the rock. Tears start streaming down my face as I lay my head to rest on my arms. "Come on, Bri , don't let her get to you. You know your not responsible for anything she said. Even dads death." I say to myself. Just the thought of my dad makes me even more upset. It's been three years since a harpoon was thrown by a sailor and struck my dad through his heart.
There is not one moment that I don't wish harm to the sailor who killed him. As I think about my dad , I totally missed seeing the sky. The beautiful baby blue sky above me has now turned to a very gloomy, dark, and terrible looking hurricane. To make things even worse, the ocean started to stir throwing huge waves into the air, only to let them collapse brutally back into the ocean it came from . I try to get back in the water, but it's impossible. The water is getting higher as I just sit there confused as to what to do. The next thing I know a huge wave hovers over me and draws me into the water with it. I was being thrown around and couldn't see anything. I must've hit my head on a rock because the next thing I see is all black.
I wake up and cough , spitting out water. Where am I? i think as I sit up holding my hand to my head. I open my eyes and see that I'm on the shore of a beach. I must have been here for awhile because my tail had disappeared and I was now human with no clothes. I try to stand to run back into the water but fail and fall back to the ground.
It takes me a minute to see the huge gash on the side of my leg. Pain shoots through my body as I dust the sand around the gash off. I hold back my tears and continue. As I finish clearing the sand from my leg, I hear voices coming my way. I panic. I can't let them see me naked. I look around to see if there is anywhere I can hide but I'm out of luck. All I can hope for is that they don't look my way.
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"Hey is she okay," I hear one of the guys ask the other. They all look my way and all I could do is bury my head in my hands. I hear them come my way and stand around me. I look up to see all seven of them crowding me in a circle. "She's injured real bad. We need to help her ,"the tall guy with light orange looking hair says. The one with light blue hair brings over a huge towel and covers me up. Another tall member with dark brown hair brings over some bandages and starts wrapping my leg. I winch in pain as the bandage gets tighter. "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you ,"he says. I nod my head and he releases my leg gently. "I'll pick her up," the guy with red hair says. He leans down and scoops me up in his arms. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. I don't know why but I feel safe being with them.
He brings me over to a car and puts me in, him still holding me. The rest of the guys get in and we start moving. An hour later we pull in font of this huge house. Still holding me , the guy gets out and heads inside placing me down on the couch. "You're going to be okay," he says before leaving to go up the stairs. I can't help but look around in the huge place enclosing me. Just this one room all together is bigger than mine.
" J-hope did you find it yet ?"the one with light orange looking hair calls. J-hope comes back down the stairs with a medical kit. "Yeah I got it right here." He walks over to me and picks up my injured leg. He starts to unwrap the bandage but gasps as he puts my leg back down. "It's.. it's gone ," he stutters looking at everyone then back to me. "What ,no way. How is that possible ? There was a huge gash on her leg."the blonde hair boy says.
I can't help but just stare at all of them. I don't know what to say. What, that I'm a mermaid and my body heals in an hour depending on how bad the injury is ? "Are you sure you're okay," j-hope asks me. All I can do is nod my head. The blonde hair boy comes over and squats down in front of me. "Do you have a name ? I'm Jimin." I don't say anything but stare into his eyes unable to speak.
"That's j-hope , but I'm sure you already knew that."
"Im namjoon or RM" " I'm jungkook" "I'm V or taehyung " "I'm Jin" "And I'm Suga," they all introduced themselves. I nod my head to tell them I understand. "Can you tell us your name now," jimin asked. I wanted to speak but no words come out. I bring my knees up and lay my head in my lap, disappointed that I can't tell him now.
"Let's just give her some space right now. J-hope , can you carry her up the stairs to the guest room ?" "Sure no problem." With the huge towel still on me , I feel myself being lifted off the couch and into his arms. He carries me all the way up the stairs to a room. He places me down on the huge bed and brushes my hair out my face. "Just stay here with us for awhile. When you're ready to talk , we will be downstairs." That's all he says before leaving me in the room and closing the door behind him.
Minutes past and I have not moved from my spot on the bed at all. I just sit there staring straight at the black tv screen. There's a knock on my door and V enters. "Hey, RM told me to bring you these." He places a long t-shirt and small sweat pants in front of me. "I'll let you get dressed." And after that, I'm all alone again. I grab the clothes and slip them on. I crawl back under the covers and close my eyes. I dream about home and Brent, hoping I can go back soon. But I think , do I really want to go back ?
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