Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
The week goes by and nothing much has happened since then. Jimin, Jungkook and I are pretty much in a love triangle right now. Nothing makes either one of them stand out more than the other. I love them both with my all my heart and I know they feel the same.
Today the guys had some work to do, so they left me at home. I mostly just stayed in the living room watching tv and eating snacks. I went in the pool for about an hour but became board rather quickly. To pass time I went upstairs to take a nap. About two hours later I wake up to someone shaking me. "Bri get up. We want to show you something." I follow V downstairs and into the living room. All the guys are in a circle as if they are hiding something. "What's up ?" The guys move and Jungkook is there in the middle of the circle holding two little puppies.
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"Oh my god. They are so adorable," I squeal with delight. I take one from him and cuddle it in my arms. "Where did you get them ?" "We found them outside a home in a cardboard box. No one was around so we took them," jimin says. Who could ever leave such cute little babies alone with no one to take care of them. The one in my arms licks my hand and I giggle. "Can we keep them ? I can't bare to let them go." RM nods his head. "I don't see why not. They are only puppies. They can't survive on there own." I hand the puppy I'm holding to Jimin and run to my room to get something. I come back down with a tiny red bow and pink bow. I give the one I was holding the pink bow and the other the red. "Now all we have to do is give them names." "You love them a lot. Why don't you name them," Suga says. I nod my head and think about it for a second. What names would be good for these two little cuties. "How about Minnie ?" I ask pointing to the one with the pink bow. They nod their heads yes. "And how about Missy ?" "Perfect. Now that they are named I'll run to the store to get everything we need for them." Jin says. "I'll come with you." J-hope says following Jin out the door. I take Minnie from Jimin and sit on the couch with her. I make baby talk with her as I hold her up to my face. She licks my nose and I can't help but laugh. We take them outside in the backyard so they can get use to the area. We put them down and they start to explore. They do their business and then chase each other. I want them to know their names so I try calling them. "Missy ! Minnie !"
Obviously, they didn't come, but they will learn eventually. After we let them explore outside a little longer we take them in for some food. Jin and J-hope are finally back with all the supplies. They got little tiny dog beds, soft food until their teeth come in, and other things like small toys. Jin even bought them their own collars. He bought Minnie a pink one with a bow on it and Missy a gold heart chain. It looked perfect on them. I helped set up their food bowls then filled them with food and water. They went straight to the food and gobbled it up quick. They must of been really hungry. After they eat we take them into the living room with us. I have Minnie on a pillow in my lap as I sit on the couch. I pet her softly and she falls asleep. I see V place Missy in her bed, so I take Minnie and place her in hers. She stirs a little and starts to whimper. I pick her up and place her in the bed with Missy. She scoots closer to her and lays her head next to hers. "Aww, so cute." Jimin comes by my side and picks up their bed placing it inside this open kennel. "Just incase they wake up they can't get lost. Plus there are some dog pads in there if they use the bathroom."