Jimin's girl

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Jimin is driving me to meet Addy at the hospital today. She is now 3 months pregnant and is going for a check up. She asked me to come and support her since Brent had to be else where. Jimin pulls in front of the hospital and stops. I turn and give him a quick kiss before getting out and closing the door. I walk inside and see Addy in the waiting room. She sees me and smiles as I approach her. "How are you feeling ?" "I'm doing alright. I can find out the gender today if I want." "That's great," I say with a huge smile. "Do you want to know ?" "I can find out, but Brent doesn't want to know. He wants me to surprise him." I nod my head and cross my leg over as we continue to wait.

Soon the nurse calls Addy to the back and we follow her. She brings us in a room and tells Addy to take a seat. "The doctor will be in shortly." "Thank you," Addy says before the nurse closes the door. "Nervous ?" "No. It's not like the first time I was here. I'm much more comfortable now." We talk for awhile then finally the doctor comes in. "Miss Adalynn," he greets us with a head nod. "How are you feeling ?" "I've never felt better." The doctor takes a seat and asks questions like about her moods, morning sickness and her diet. This takes about 10 minutes. The doctor then moves addy to another room so they can do the ultrasound. Addy told me to wait outside because she was going to find out the gender. She said she would tell me later. To pass time I texted Jimin and Jungkook to see if they wanted to hang out when I got back. Jimin was staying at friends house until late that night and Jungkook would be out with the rest of the guys all day. I sigh and tuck my phone in my back pocket as I stand. The door to my left opens and out walks Addy. "Thank you so much. See you next time." She looks very excited and I can't help but smile with her. "Well ? Is it what you wanted it to be ?" She nods her head yes. "It doesn't matter tho. I'd still love him or her forever." "I just can't wait for you to tell me what it is." She raises one eyebrow and places her hand on her chin as if she has to think about telling me. I push her lightly and we laugh. "Want to go grab some lunch ? All the guys are to busy to hang out." "Sure, I'm starving," she laughs rubbing her tummy. We leave the hospital and head down the road to the closet place. We stop at a Chick-fil-A and order there. We order our food and take a seat.We eat and talk about ideas Addy wants to do for her baby shower. Later, Brent picks us up and brings me home.

That night we are all sitting in the living room watching tv. I am laying comfortably in Jungkook's arms when the front door opens. Jimin comes in with a girl at his waist. I take a look at her. It's hard to tell from a far, but this girl has scratches and bruises all over her body. She looks terribly frighten as we all look at her. "Jimin what's going on," Rm ask. "Just let me help her then I will explain when I get back." Rm nods his head and waves Jimin off. "Addy ? May she borrow some of your clothes ?" "Of course. I'll come upstairs with you." I follow them up the stairs and into my closet. I hand her a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. She takes them and lowers her head. "Your welcome," I say with a little smile. "Come on. Let's go clean up your wounds." Jimin pulls her into his arm and walks out my closet to the bathroom. I decide to stay out there way for now and head back downstairs. Jimin comes down the stairs and the girl is missing. "Where is the girl ?" "She was tired, so I let her sleep in my room." I nod my head and look at the others. "What the hell happened," Jin ask. Jimin sighs and begins to explain.

"I was walking home from my friends house when I passed this alley. I heard a scream and glass breaking. I rushed into the alley and found her captured in this guys arms. He was holding a broken bottle to her head. I could tell she was afraid to move. I ran over to the guy and pushed him out the way. He tried to swing at me but missed. He must of been drunk. I punched him in his face and down he fell. I grabbed the girl and we ran. I stopped so she could take a break. I sat down with her and she began to cry. I eventually got her to calm down and she told me her name.

Her name is Layla. She had recently just moved her with her mother. She was out with her friends when the guy grabbed her and begin attacking her. So I told her to just stay here tonight and I'll bring her home tomorrow. I'll explain everything to her mother." We all look at him in shock. That poor innocent girl. "I hope she will be alright," V says. "Me too." Jimin looks upset as he says this. "It's getting late. Let's just turn in for the rest of the night," j-hope says. Everyone agrees and heads to bed. Jungkook follows me to my room. "Are you coming," I ask Jimin. "I think I'll stay with Layla. Just to make sure she will be ok." I nod my head okay and go into my room. I get into bed and into Jungkook's arms. "This may be the time is I was dreading. Jimin has found his girl." He pulls me closer and kisses my head. "Don't worry I'm still here and I promise I will never leave you again." I give him a quick kiss before closing my eyes. Could she really be the one for Jimin ?

The next morning i head downstairs and join everyone for breakfast. Layla is down there with Jimin. She is wearing one of his hoodies and staying close to his side. I feel like she is afraid that if she leaves his side something bad will happen again. I mean I don't blame her. I take a seat across from her and start to eat. Jimin tries to give her a piece of food but she refuses to take it. "Come on Layla. You have to eat, please." She nods her head and takes the fork from him. She begins to eat and I see him smile. "Thank you for the breakfast, Jin." I place my plate in the sink and walk upstairs. I grab my bikini, a pair of shorts, and crop top. I change then slip on my flip-flops. "I'll be back later," I shout as I go out the door. I head straight towards the beach. I arrive in no time and find a spot far from the crowds of people. I strip of my clothes and run into the water. I swim to my rock where I was caught in the storm. I lay back and relax, just letting my mind wonder. The blue sky is clear of any gray clouds and the sun is shining bright. I close my eyes and think. Maybe Jimin and Layla will be good together. He is like my brother. He is Layla's hero. Not wanting to think about it anymore I brush it off my mind. I take a little nap and dream about my home.

When I awake the sun is starting to set. I dive into the water and swim back home to the guys. I arrive in no time and everyone is getting ready for dinner. I go upstairs, change, and join the others at the table. "Where were you all day," J-Hope ask. "I went for a swim. I found a place to relax and I must have fallen asleep." "Okay. Just making sure you were alright." I see Layla and Jimin walk in the kitchen. Her arm is wrapped around his and she has a huge smile on her face. I lock eyes with him for a second before he turns his head and smiles at her. I'm kinda hurt by this. I place down my utensil and start to walk off. Jungkook grabs my arm to stop. "What's wrong, babe ?" He stares into my eyes as if trying to search for the answer. "I'm just not that hungry anymore." "I'll be upstairs in a minute." He places a hand on my cheek and smiles. I head up the stairs and into my closet. I change into my night clothes, brush my teeth and get in bed. No long after Jungkook joins me. He gets behind me and pulls me close. "Why did you really leave ? Was it because of Jimin ?" I can't lie to him. "I'm not upset. It just feels different. He was there for me when you weren't. He told me he loved me." Jungkook pulls me closer if possible. "Don't worry. I promised I would never leave you again. I mean it." He cups my face into his hand and pulls me into a kiss. It's a long passionate kiss that I never want to end. He pulls back and i whimper. He laughs and gives me a quick one. "Tomorrow let's go out. Just the two of us." "Okay." I steal another kiss and giggle. He tightens his grip on me and laughs. "Come on. Go to sleep." I snuggle into his chest and close my eyes. He makes me feel so much better. I really need a day alone with him. No one else but us. I begin to realize maybe I don't need Jimin after all. My true love is right next to me. Sure we had an issue but in the end he came back. I smile and think I really do love Jungkook.

I start to dream about my life with Jungkook. I see a big house with a nice yard out in the country. Him making me breakfast in kitchen. Children run down the stairs with smiles on there faces. I sit them on my lap and kiss their heads. I can feel myself begin to cry as I continue to dream. "Bri ? Bri, what's wrong ?" He lightly shakes me awake and sits me up in his arms. He turns on the light and wipes away my tears in time. "Now tell me what's wrong ?" "I was having the best dream ever. Everything was so happy and cheerful. I didn't want it to end." "If it was a good dream, then why were you crying ?" I turn and look into his eyes. "I wish it were real. That it would really happen." "All in time I can promise you it will. Just tell me what they were." I pull him into a hard kiss. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me on top of him. I continue to kiss him passionately and he returns it. My hands go under his shirt and trace the lines of his abs. I want him so bad that I try and pull his shirt over his head. "No Bri. Not tonight." He removes me off his lap and lays me back in his arms. "I'm not saying no. Just not tonight, okay ?" He gives me a quick kiss and turns off the light. He pulls me close and rest his head on mine. "I love you,Bri." I smile and close my eyes. "I love you too." I fall into a deep sleep and couldn't be happier.

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