Is it worth it ?

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Dinner was finally ready for us to come and eat. During dinner I explained to the guys about what happened on the beach with my brother. The guys didn't mind him coming over at all. The doorbell rang so I went to the front door to open it. There stood my brother, mouth agape, surprised that I live here. "They have a nice place," he says as he steps through the door admiring every detail. "I'll be upstairs if you need me," I shout to the guys as we head up the stairs.

We walk into my room and I jump onto my bed. I pat my hand next to me indicating for him to sit. He sits next me and looks into my eyes. "Why are you really, Brent ?" "I came back to bring you home. I missed you a lot. I felt horrible you got into another fight with mom." I scoot closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. "I missed you to, but I can't go back home to her. I just can't." He stands up and gives me a stern look. "What's wrong ?" He grabs me by my shoulders. "Please don't tell me your in love with one of the guys. All I can do is look into his beautiful pleading blue eyes and shake my head no. "I haven't really connected with anyone that much yet." "Bri, promise me you won't fall in love with any of them. You know what happens if we do." I look down at my hands. I've heard before from my mom what happens when a mermaid falls in love with a human.

If a mermaid comes to land and falls in love with someone, then we are risking our hearts. If that person stops or doesn't love you, you will be human and can never return to the ocean. You will only have a week to make the person fall for you or love you. Brent snaps me out of my thoughts by grabbing my chin. "Bri, promise me." His eyes are tearful as he stares into mine. "Okay I promise." He pulls me into a tight tug and I feel a few tears fall on to my shoulder. Wiping them off, I grab my blanket to wipe his eyes from the tears that have finally fallen.

Brent has already risked his heart by falling in love with Adalynn. I hope she doesn't hurt him. I can't image him not be able to return to the ocean. We only have one chance to love so it's always a huge risk. Brent and I spent a whole two hours talking. It was almost midnight by the time we finished talking. I walked him downstairs and hugged him goodbye. Once he left I headed back upstairs to get ready for bed. I changed, brushed my teeth then jumped into bed. A knock on my door startles me as I just got comfy. Jungkook's head pokes through the door and he smiles. I smile back and scoot over for him to come lay next to me. He gets under the covers and lays down facing me. I turn over and snuggle closer. He wraps his arm around me and tries to pull me closer. I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as he breathes in and out. It tickles but it relaxes me and soon I fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning I wake up still wrapped in Jungkook's arms. I turn over in his arms and smile. I trace his jawline with my finger as I study each detail. He has the most perfect face I've ever seen. I must've of waken him because he smiles. "Having fun there," he says with a laugh. I pull back my hand but he grabs it and holds it tight. We lay in bed for a few minutes until I can hear my stomach rumbling. We get out of bed and head downstairs. Once downstairs I see everyone else is already there doing there own thing. "You guys can help your self to some breakfast if you like," Jin says. I nod my head and walk into the kitchen. I guess everyone else must of already eaten. I pick out a box of cereal to my liking and pour it into a bowl. Grabbing the milk from the fridge i turn around to see Jungkook. He's blocking me from moving forward. "Come on, Jungkook, move," I say trying to push him. He grabs me and picks me up setting me down on the counter. "What are you doing," I say with a laugh. "I will make it for you," he says taking the milk from me. He pours the milk in my bowl and his then grabs us a pair of spoons. I hop off the counter and take a seat to eat. After we eat we join everyone else in the living room. To pass time we decide to play a few board games like 'Sorry' or 'Jenga'. I won in Sorry. I've never even played and I was still the winner.

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