Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
A full week has gone by since Jungkook and I had our date. I woke up the next morning wrapped tight in his arms after that night. "Good morning princess." He kisses me and pulls back with a smile. "How did you sleep ?" "Perfect," I say and kiss him back. After, we got out of bed and went to have breakfast. We came back and went for a little dip in the hot tub since we didn't last night.
Later that day we gathered our things and headed back home. We finally pulled up to the house and got out to head inside. Once inside, Minnie and Missy ran like crazy to greet us at the door. I put down my things and pick them up. "Hey my babies. Did you miss mommy ?" They like all over my face which makes me giggle. I place them down and stand up. Jungkook takes my things from me and grabs my chin, pulling me into a kiss. "I'll be back in a minute." He heads upstairs and I'm left with Minnie and Missy. Soon I'm joined by the guys and Layla. "Your back already ? How was last night," Rm ask. I look at everyone but V stands out to me more. His face has a huge smile and his cheeks are a light red. I roll my eyes and turn to face RM. "It was perfect. The best night of my life." I blush a little as the events from last night replay in my head. "Ooh, tell us the details," j-Hope says. I shake my head no. "That is between Jungkook and I." "What is between us ?" Jungkook comes back downstairs and pulls me by my waist towards him. "Nothing. Just that last night is between us." "Right. Just between us." He leans in and whispers in my ear. I giggle and push him away. "Not a good time."
Someone clears their throat and it gets my attention. "If your done being secretive now, here. Your brother dropped this off for you this morning." I take the envelope from Suga's hand and open it. I skim through it and gasp. "Addy is having her baby shower/reveal today !" It doesn't seem like that long but Addy is now 33 weeks pregnant. Time has really flew by. "What time is it for, Jin ask. "Later this afternoon. Excuse me, but I have to go call my brother and see if he needs any help." I head upstairs and call Brent. He picks up after the first few rings. I told him I received the invitation and asked if he needed help. "Sure. I could use the help. I mean I have her parents and friends but this needs to be done before it starts." "Don't worry. I'm on my way." We say goodbye and I head back downstairs. "See y'all later. I'm going to help my brother," I shout as I head out the door. "Wait babe ! How are you going to get there ?" I stop in my tracks and turn to face Jungkook. I laugh and walk over to him. "Come on. I'll give you a ride." We get in his car and drive to the place.
We soon arrive and get out to head inside. "You are staying with me ?" "If you want to me." "Of course. I'm sure Brent wouldn't mind." We walk inside and I'm at lost for words. Everything looks great. Pink and blue decorations are hung up everywhere and tables are decorated from top to bottom.
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"Bri, your here." Brent walks over and pulls me into a hug. He tells Jungkook hi and thanks him for being here. "Bri, these are Addy's parents." "Nice to meet you. I really love how everything is set up. Addy will love it for sure." "Most of the decorations were put up last night. These are just the little things that are left." They give me a smile and ask if I can help set out the games. I head over to a table and start to set them out. Jungkook helps as well. The games seem really fun to play.