Disney World pt 1

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(September 1,2019)

Finally. Disney world here we come. Well, in a few more days. I'm so excited that I'm already half way packed. A whole week in Disney. This is going to be great.

Right now I'm out deciding what to get for Mason's birthday. I'm just thinking some more building blocks and a stuff animal or two. I walk to the block section and look at what they have. I find a 24 piece set for 20 dollars and get that. I find him a small stuffed animal and get him one. Next, I go to the card section to pick out a birthday card. I find a cute little one with balloons on the cover.

I just need to fill it out then we are good to go

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I just need to fill it out then we are good to go. Also I can't forget to get a bag. I head to the bag section and get a big birthday bag. I head to checkout and pay for the items. I walk back to my car and get in.

When I get home, I find Kookie on the floor with Blake in her boppy on her tummy. "What are y'all doing ?" "Hey, mama." I lightly kick him and he laughs. "Just doing a little tummy time. Look at how good she is lifting her head now." "Blake. Hey sweet baby." She looks up at me and smiles while laughing. I pick her up and hold her on my hip. She is getting so big now, it's unbelievable. My little girl is growing up so fast. Today is also a special day for the man I love. His birthday is today and he is now 22. He doesn't know it yet but I have something special planned. I place Blake back on her tummy in her boppy then lay next to Kookie on the floor. "Don't worry. I didn't forget about you." I pull his face closer to mine and give him a long passionate kiss. I can feel him smiling against my lips. "Happy birthday babe." He gives me another kiss then smiles. "I have a surprise for you." "I can't wait." His eyes sparkle with joy and love as I stare into them. I didn't say anything, but a few days ago I asked all the other members and Addy and Brent to come out to eat for his birthday. We are going to Outback for the dinner. "Start getting dressed, I'm taking you somewhere." He nods his head then gets up. He pulls me up with him and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I pick up Blake and bring her to her room. While we go out, I'm going to leave her with the other members. Then she will be back with us for the dinner. I change her diaper and her clothes then stand her up on the changing table. She smiles and it melts my heart. She is standing up with help and I can't believe it. She bounces up and down a little, laughing, proud of her own accomplishment. I take her back in my arms and kiss her head. "Are you excited for daddy's birthday," I ask her while leaving kisses all over her face. She giggles and grabs at my hair in the process. I take her back into the living room and place her back on her tummy. She grabs her toy keys and puts them in her mouth. She babbles to herself while she drools and looks at the colorful toy. Kookie comes back from getting ready and comes to watch her for me. I head into our room and look for something to wear. I pull out a matching black
skirt and crop-top with a pink, white and purple floral pattern. I do my makeup, brush my hair and teeth, then decide to curl my hair.

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