Thnaksgiving treats

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I honestly have no idea what to do about my mother. It's been almost a month since she stabbed Jungkook. I had to go to the police station the day after we were brought to the hospital to give a police report. They are still searching for her and have no trace of where she is at.

Things have been a little different between Kookie and I since that night we had our little spat. We still talk to one another and everything, it just feels different. Even Brent and Addy knows there is a bit of tension from when they came to visit him after we got back home from the hospital. My mother has won. She getting what she wants, to slowly tear us apart and I'm scared it is actually working.

Kookie doesn't know this but I've been thinking about leaving. I have a small bag packed for Blake and I, but you don't really need much when you are going underwater. I just need the right day to do it. Every time I try, he questions me where I am going so late. I have another attempt tonight. He's been going to bed right after dinner lately ever since the incident. I'm hoping he is tired out and stays asleep.

Blake and I should be alright. I know, it's crazy, taking a 5 month old baby under water but she will be fine. Her gills have been growing for the last month or so and she can survive under water.

I finish cleaning up the kitchen from the dinner for tonight and change. I lay in bed and Kookie kisses my head before turning on his other side and going to sleep. After a little bit of shut eye for myself, I quietly get out the bed and grab the bag I packed for us. I go to Blake's room and get her from her crib. She fusses a little as I pick her up, waking her from her sleep. I bounce her a little then give her pacifier. She falls right back to sleep and I slip on my shoes by the front door. I make sure the alarm doesn't go off and sneak out the door. Step one is done. I can't take the car, so I walked to the nearest beach by our house. It's far but I managed to carry Blake and get there before anyone noticed. I walk along the sandy beach and find a spot to sit for a little while. Blake is fully awake now, so I take the time to feed her. Once I finish feeding her, I prepare us to enter the water. I lay her on my legs as I start to strip off my top. I don't need clothes anymore. I lobe her off my lap then lay her on my shirt so I can take off the rest of my clothes. After I take mine off then hers, I bury them in the sand, deep, hoping no one will find them. Just in case I ever need them.

I hold Blake in my arms and start walking into the water. I go deep enough in to make sure my legs are fully covered. Blake feels the cold water rush over her legs and starts to  cry. "I know baby. It's cold, I'm so sorry. You will get use to in." My tail appears and I lower Blake in up until her chest. It's not fully developed but her legs are covered in pink scales all the way to her ankles. She has little tiny fins to start learning how to swim with. I took the now empty bag into the water with me, placing her in it and placing it around my neck. It's like a carrier. I take a deep breath then go under the water, opening my mouth again. I take in the salty water and sigh. It feels so great to be home. I look at my peaceful little girl as she now sleeps in the carrier. She can feel it, just like me, that we are home where we belong.

I don't know if it's risky or not, but I decided to go to my house. The one before I ran away from it. I just hope mom is not there. I wouldn't know what to do then. I start to swim and speed it up along the way. I reach home in no time. I use my power to unlock the door and enter. I don't think anyone is home because the place is spotless, like no ones has touched it in awhile. I go to my old bedroom and place Blake on my bed. I lay next to her and sigh. "Home. But was this the right thing to do ?"

Jungkook's POV -

I wake up and turn to see an empty spot in the bed next to me. "Bri ?" I get out the bed and check the kitchen and living room. I lastly check Blake's room and she is not there either. I sit in the rocking chair and wonder where she could be. I notice a piece of paper on the inside of Blake's crib and get up to get it. I take it and start reading it.

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