Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
"Come on Brianna, one big push." I do as the doctor says and start to push. This hurts so bad that as the doctor continues counting, I stop pushing. "Brianna, don't stop. I need you to keep pushing." I take a deep breath and try to push again. I scream and tighten my grip on Jungkook's hand. I take another breath and relax to ready myself again. I start pushing and I'm literally breaking a sweat. "That's good, Brianna. I can see her head." "You're doing great, baby." Jungkook wipes my hair out the way and gives my forehead a little kiss. I didn't realize from him distracting me that Blake was half way out by now. "One last push and she's out. You can do it Brianna." I give one last good push then I can hear crying. "Congratulations to the both of you." My eyes start to tear up and I have to hurry and wipe them. "She is beautiful, baby." Kookie kisses my head as I still her my baby girl's cry.
June. It's already June. I'm ready to pop, I think with amusement. It's already been nine months that I have carried Blake. She has to come out soon. It's already June 7th and I'm exhausted. Kookie is thinking about taking me to the hospital to have an induced labor. My contractions have been closer together though. They are like 6 minutes apart. I fear she will come any moment and we won't be ready.
I'm actually in my closet packing a bag before we have to leave. I pack a bunch of close for me and grab all the baby items I will need. Clothes, bibs, blankets, hats, socks, pacifiers, and anything else I can think of. Kookie is also packing anything he might need. We hope we won't have to stay to long in the hospital. For the day, Addy and Brent come over to hang out. I'm in my room with Addy and all the guys are downstairs in the living room. "How are you feeling ?" "I'm just ready to meet my little girl. It's been to long." She nods her head. Mason coos as he sucks his pacifier. I smooth his hair across his head and he smiles. "How have his mermaid genes been ? Still popping up when he is in water ?" "Oh all the time. My parents know about it to, but they promised not to say anything. They think it's really cool." I nod my head with a smile. "Mama." Mason spit out his pacifier and reaches to Addy. "What baby ?" She smooths his hair over then stands him up. He picks his feet up and down, stomping on my bed. "I think he wants to jump." Addy starts bouncing him and we all laugh. He giggles to, each time he goes up. "My little nine month old." We both laugh. There is a knock on my door and J-Hope opens it. "Hey. You want something for lunch ?" We nod our heads then get out the bed. We walk downstairs, with J-Hopes help for me, then sit down in the kitchen. Addy places Mason in the high chair then pulls it by her. "Brent, can you bring Mason's bag please ?" When Brent comes in, everyone else follows. Kookie comes up behind me and kisses my cheek. He sits next to me and holds my hand. Addy gets some soft snacks for Mason to eat while we get what we want. We all just ended up eating sandwiches with chips and something to drink.
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After lunch, everyone wanted to go swimming so I sat and watched. Mason even went in for a little then he started getting cranky. I took him out and dried him off. He sat with me and just played with my hair and face. He pointed at my tummy and laughed. I pinched his little cheeks and smile myself. A few hours after swimming, everyone is out and changing. Most of the guys went to shower. Addy put Mason down for a late nap and I just stayed in the living room watching tv. Once 5:00 hit, Brent and Addy left and dinner was being prepared. Kookie came and sat by side while the others were in the kitchen. My contractions started getting closer and I timed them 3 minutes apart. I was preparing for my water to break any minute. Dinner was finished and Kookie told me to stay on the couch. He didn't want me moving at all if the baby could be coming at any minute. He set up a tray in front of me then one for himself. He brought our plates and our drinks for us then sat down. We eat our dinner while we watch the James Cordon show then are asked if we want dessert. We both say no and it's split amongst the others. I'm kinda sleepy so I ask Kookie if he can bring me up to bed. We walk up the stairs and to our room. I decide to use the bathroom first and of course come more contractions. These hurt even more and are even closer together. About less than a minute apart. I finish doing my business then head back to bed. Before I can get in, I can feel a rush of liquid trickle down my leg. I look down and see that the floor is all wet along with my feet. "Babe. Babe." Kookie turns around in bed and sees the worry in my eyes. "My water just broke." I'm not kidding when I say he was out of the bed so quickly and running around to grab everything.