Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
Today is the big day ! My little girl is finally a year old. Kookie and I woke up early in the morning to start decorating the house for the party. We decorated the kitchen and the living room then we headed outside to the backyard. We set up all the tables and chairs then decorated all the tables. After we finish, Kookie starts making the food for this afternoon. I wake up Blake and feed her. I change her and her diaper then bring her into the kitchen. I walk over to Kookie and smile.
"Say good morning to the birthday girl." He smiles and takes her from me. He gives her a hug and kiss her head. Blake giggles and I take her back. While I go get ready, I put her in her play pen and go get dressed. I have to go pick up her cakes and cookies for today. I put on a white dress with sandals then head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, curl the bottom of my hair, and do my makeup. When I finish I go grab Blake and put her in her birthday outfit. I put her in a white overall with a pink flower headband. Since Kookie is cooking, I go pick up the cakes and cookies. I kiss my birthday girl bye then head out the door to my car. I get in, start the car and pull out the driveway. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the bakery. I find a spot in the parking lot and pull into it. I walk inside the bakery and wait in line for my turn. When it's my turn, I give the lady my name and she places four boxes on the counter. I open them to take a look and there are all so pretty. One box holds the tall cake and it looks good. Everything is decorated white with dashes of pink on it. I look in the next box which holds the second cake. Another one holds the mini and regular size cupcakes. The final box has the cookies in it. The lady helps me bring them out to my car and place them in the front. On the way back home I make sure to drive carefully. When I reach home I leave the boxes in the car and go inside.
Inside Kookie is still in the kitchen preparing the last of the dishes. Blake is following behind him and watching his every move. I pick her up and rub my nose against hers before kissing her cheek.
"Daddy is busy baby. He can't play with you right now." I put her down and she runs to the living room. "Can you help me bring in the boxes real quick, please ?" He nods his head and stops what he is doing. We quickly go outside and bring the boxes in. We place them on the dining room table and I go back to finishing the rest of the decorations. It's now 1:00 and the party starts for 2:00. Addy and Brent came over early so Mason could play with Blake. Mason looked so cute in his onesie and bright red boots. I chuckled with happiness as I saw him and Blake run around.
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Addy and I put all the food out in the backyard on the tables then did the same inside. The tables looked great and I couldn't wait to eat. We also had a table for presents. Brent places Blake's on the table then went to give her a hug. She didn't care much for attention since she was preoccupied with Mason. Once we checked to make sure everything was perfect I smiled with joy. This was going to be the best day for my little girl. I was happy with the way the decorations came out.
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