Scary Holloween

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A few long weeks have passed since being back from our Disney vacation. Halloween is coming up soon and we decided to throw a Halloween party. I'm out buying things we will need for the party while Kookie is at home with Blake. I put a bunch of napkins, plates, cups, and utensils in my buggy. I get a few 2 liter drinks and two bottles of alcohol. Can you believe I will be 21 this month ? That's right, my birthday is a week from Halloween: October 24th. I'm super excited because it's only a few days away. We are just going to have a small get-together for that day. When I finish getting all the party items, I want to find a cute little costume for Blake. I head over to the costume section and I look at the baby stuff. I'm trying to get her something cute for her first Halloween. I move and separate all kinds of bags and accessories until I can find one. I finally see one that might work and pull it off the shelf. It's this cute little grey mouse with the ears and the tail. For 10.99, this seems like a good costume. I put in the buggy and head to one of the checkout lines. When I finish paying for everything, I walk out to the car and put it in the trunk. I get in, start the car, and head home. I'm happy when I pull into the driveway because I get to see the two greatest people in my life. I get what I can hold out the trunk and walk inside. "Mommy's back." I walk to the kitchen to put the items down then go to the living room. Kookie and Blake are on the ground playing with toys. Her milestones this month are really exciting to watch. She is holding her head up on her own and she loves bringing her hands to her mouth even more. She is starting to sit up with support more on her own. She also likes reaching for objects that grab her interest.

"Please help me get the rest of the stuff out the trunk ?" He smiles then nods his head. He pushes up and heads out the door. I lay on my belly and kiss my little girls cheek. "How is my baby doing ?" She coos and babbles to imitate my tone. She puts her toy in her mouth and babbles while leaving spit all over it. It's this cute like bear that her daddy got her a few days ago and she loves it. She sleeps with it and everything. Kookie comes back in and places the stuff in the kitchen. He comes back by us and lays next to me. He kisses my cheek then turns my head to kiss my lips. Blake squeals and it makes me laugh during the kiss. He starts laughing with me and she continues to squeal. She bites on her bears ear in the process. I stand up and pick her up off the ground. "Has she eaten already ?" "I fed her like an hour before you got here." I nod my head and sit her on my hip. She holds her bear with both hands and continues to bite on it. "Do you want some lunch ?" He nods his head and I do the same. I go into the kitchen and place Blake in her highchair. She can sit perfectly in it now. I make Kookie and I some turkey sandwiches with chips on the side. I bring it to him then sit back in the kitchen with Blake. She hits her tray table and squeals loudly. "What baby. What ?" She giggles as I put my face in hers. She reaches for my face and grabs it, pinching me slightly in the process. I lightly bite her fingers back and she squeals at me. I finish my lunch then put her down for her nap. I take her to my bed and lay her down. I lay next to her and rub her head. I give her pacifier and make sure she has her teddy bear. She falls asleep easily because I knew she was a little tired. She lightly sucks  her pacifier and I can hear her tiny breathes. I quietly leave the bed and surround her with pillows. I make sure I can hear her on the baby monitor then take a picture of my beautiful baby. She is getting so big. How the time has gone by.

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