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Today is Easter and I'm super excited because it's Blake's first. We are going to Addy parents house for a small get together with the guys. We are going to have a nice lunch and the kids are going to have a quick Easter egg hunt. I can't wait to see how much fun we are going to have. I get Blake dressed in her outfit then place her in her playpen while I get ready.

I straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and do my makeup

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I straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and do my makeup. I find a top and a skirt to go with it. I put on a gold necklace then find a pair of boots to complete my look. I take one last one look in the mirror and smile. Kookie comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He plants a kiss on my cheek then smiles. "You look beautiful baby." I turn around in his arms to kiss his cheek. "Are you ready to go ?" I smile and nod my head. We walk into the living room to make sure we have everything we need and I grab Blake.

We walk out to the car and I strap Blake in her car seat

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We walk out to the car and I strap Blake in her car seat. I get in the car and wait for Kookie. Once he is in the car, we pull out the driveway and start down the road to Addy's house.

When we get there the guys are already here. We get out the car and head to the front door. I ring the door bell and RM opens it. We walk inside and give everyone hugs. Addy's parents tell us hi and greet us with a kiss on the cheek. I even spot Layla and give her a hug. I put Blake by Mason so they can play together while I take Jayden. He is dressed in a cute little blue onesie with white dress shoes. I pick him up and he coos while drool drops from his mouth.

"He is teething a lot. Here take this." Layla reaches into his diaper bag and pulls out a teething ring. She gives it to Jayden and he starts chewing on it. "My little man is growing up. He can roll over and push up to his elbows. I took this picture of him before we left." I look at the picture and smile. He looks so cute. He is such a happy baby.

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