Why are you here ?

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I wake up in bed with Jungkook still by my side. I run my fingers through his soft hair and giggle. He grabs my hand before I do it again and laughs. "I got you this time." He opens his eyes and releases my hand. "Come on, let's go down for breakfast," I say getting out the bed. We walk downstairs and everyone is already there. "Your just in time to eat," RM says. Plates of pancakes,eggs, and bacon are placed in front of us. Everything looks so good. We all start eating and in minutes our plates are cleared. Once I finish eating I head back to my room and decide to take a nice relaxing bath.

I turn on the water and strip off my clothes as I wait for it to fill. I turn off the water once it's high enough and get in. As soon as I touch the water my tail appears. I missed my tail so much. I haven't been in water for what feels like forever. I start playing with water, using my powers to bring it up into the air. I spell out all the guys names and mine. I laugh as I do so, then drop the water back into the tub. I wanted to see how much water I could hold so using my powers I removed half the water in the tub. A huge bubble of water was created and was right over my head. I decided to get out and started heat drying myself and the rest of the water. I kept the water bubble in the air as I dried myself as a challenge. I was doing pretty good until a knock on the door started me. I dropped the water bubble and it splashed all over. My tail came back, ruining all my work. "Bri, are you in there ?" It was Jimin. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute," I tell him. I just hoped he wouldn't walk in. I heard his footsteps receding away from the door and out of my room. A huge sigh left my body as I continue to dry myself.

Finally I was dried off and headed out to get dressed. I picked out a pair of jean shorts and a tie-dye t-shirt. I head down stairs and find all the guys in the living room. "What are you guys up to ?" They all look at the tv then back at me. "Oh my bad," I say sticking out my tongue at them. "How about a day at the beach ," V says. They all agree by nodding there heads and start to stand up. "The beach ? Why not the amusement park or... or some.... something else outdoors," I stammer.

"Why not the beach ? Come on Brianna, we will have lots more fun there," Suga says. "Plus I need to work on my tan," Jimin says. All the guys laugh as I bite my bottom lip in fear. Jungkook stands up and comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I gasp as he lays his head on my shoulder and gives me a sad look. "Please can we go to the beach, please," he pouts. I look at him and sigh with defeat. "Fine. You all win, but don't expect me to go in the water." They all cheer then run to their rooms to change. I do the same and go to my closet to change. I pick out a light blue two piece bikini with strings hanging in the front.

I pull back on my shorts and tie-dye shirt before throwing my hair in a high ponytail

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I pull back on my shorts and tie-dye shirt before throwing my hair in a high ponytail. I walk back downstairs and all the guys are there. "Ready to go," J-hope ask. I nod my head and grab my bag that's been packed with a towel and sunscreen for me. We head out the door and hop into the guys car.

We pull up in a parking spot and start grabbing all our stuff. Everyone rushes out leaving me last to get out. We walk down the sand and find a nice spot to place our stuff. Once were settled and everything's been placed out we start to strip off our clothes. I watch all the guys as they strip off their shirts, revealing their nice toned abs. I bite my bottom lip and blush at the site in front of me. They look my way so I turned my head to hide my face. I continue to strip, lastly taking off my shirt. I can feel eyes on me as I place my shirt in my bag. I look up at the guys and see them looking my body up and down. I give them a little wave as I lay down on my towel and pull out my sunglasses.

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