New place

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It's happening ! We have official found a house to move into by the end of next week. Not only that but Blake is now a month old. I'm so excited that I've already begun to pack. Tomorrow, we get to go sign the rest of the papers then we can officially start moving everything. Blake's room will be the last to be packed on the day we move in. While I start wrapping our glass objects and other small things in boxes, the boys are all out for the day. Kookie is at the new house, taking a few measurements for our rooms. This leaves me all alone with Blake for the day. I enter her room and walk over to her crib. Her eyes flutter open and a small smile appears on her face when she sees me. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. I walk back into my room and lay down with her on my chest. She briefly lifts her head then places it back down. I softly stroke her back and smile. "Good job, baby girl." I turn on the tv and just relax until lunch time.

Around lunch time, Blake has fallen asleep and I'm starting to get hungry. I bring her back to her room and place her in her crib. I make sure her monitor is on then head downstairs to find me some food. Our new house won't have stairs so I won't have to worry about being to far from Blake anymore. I make myself a turkey sandwich with some chips on the side. Once I finish making it, the front door opens. In walks Kookie, looking super exhausted. "Hey babe. How was the house ?" He walks over to me and gives me a kiss. "It was good. I'm just tired because we had to fill in a few boards that were rotted out. Other than that, the house is perfect and we can move in as soon as the rest of the paper work is signed." I nod my head and give him another kiss. "I'm going to take a shower." As he walks away, he takes one of my chips and shoves it in his mouth. "Hey !" He turns around and shrugs his shoulders with a smirk. I roll my eyes then go sit in the living room to eat my lunch. I really am going to miss this place. I can't believe it's been a full year since I first moved in here. I will never forget the day they all found me on the beach and took me home to attempt to clean my injury. It always brings a smile to my face and a little bit of laughter to. Since they thought they were crazy and only imagined my wound. I can't forget the time the first found out I was a mermaid, but then sometimes I wish I could forget it. I hated the look on kookie's face that day. When he pushed me away because he was afraid of me. I thought I was done for and couldn't return to the ocean ever again. Forever trapped on land. Luckily everything worked out and we are now very happy together with our beautiful baby girl.

After lunch, I head upstairs to feed Blake then put her back to bed. I continue packing all the small things in our room then take a small break. Kookie is eating a late lunch and the guys are still out. I wonder what they did all morning. I decided to finish the last of the boxes then start dinner for everyone. Hopefully the guys will be home soon. I feed Blake again then bring her downstairs to her father. The front door opens as I sit next to him. All the guys pile into the foyer and drop all the object in their hands. "What have you guys been up to all day ?" RM sighs as if he's out of breath and begins to speak. "Well we spent the morning exercising and hanging out at the park. Then we went out for lunch. As we finished up, we decided to go shopping. When we were leaving, a group of fans spotted us and followed us out to our limo. We lost them but as soon as we got out the car a block away from with all our things, they were after us again." Awe, I feel  bad for them. They can't pull directly in front of the house or else fans would know which one is theirs. "Well why don't you all get changed and relax. I'm making the dinner tonight." "Thanks Bri," J-Hope shouts as he rushes up the stairs. The others thank me before headed up as well. I hear back into the kitchen and continue to work on the food. Around 6:30, everything is ready to be eaten. All the guys took showers and changed into comfortable clothes. As I place out all the plates on the table, I can hear them all in the living room passing Blake around. I'm so happy she has many people to love her. We eat dinner then I head upstairs with Blake to feed her while the others stay in the living room or help clean up.

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