Brianna is a mermaid that washed up on the shore of a beach from a nasty storm near her place. Naked and injured, a few guys spot her and help her to safety. Not knowing what to expect, she lets these guys care for her and even spends the night at t...
The next morning, everyone is downstairs in the living room eating breakfast. Today Mason is taking his 3 month photos. After breakfast, I head upstairs to his room with Addy and help her. She puts him in this cute little striped outfit with a matching hat. I help her pack a few extra outfits and other things he may need during the photo shoot. While she finishes up with Mason, I head to the bathroom and shower. Ten minutes later I get out and find something to wear. I slip on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and add a pair of boots. I fix my hair and do my make-up. Once I'm finished, I go downstairs to meet Addy. I find her sitting on the couch feeding Mason. "Almost ready to go ?" "Yeah. Just feeding him since it will take awhile to get there." I sit down next to them and brush the top of Masons head. "Your brother and Jungkook went out for the day to do whatever. They should be home by the time we finish the photo shoot." I nod my head. Christmas is coming soon and I bet the guys are shopping for us. Soon Mason finishes his bottle and we put everything in the car. Addy's mom and dad shared the car for work today so we have an extra one. Once we have everything we need, we head out to the car. Addy straps in Mason then gets in. She pulls out the drive way and we head down the street.
It takes us about two hours to get to the photo shoot place. We pull into the parking lot and park the car. I take Mason out his car seat and hold him tight. We walk in the door and sign in at the front desk. We take a seat in the chairs while we wait for the photographer. Addy takes Mason from me and stands up. "Come on baby. Wake up." He blinks his eyes a few times and starts to cry until he opens them all the way. When he sees Addy, he immediately smiles and begins reaching for her face. She plays along with him and he can't help but giggle. As I watch them my phone vibrates. I take it out my back pocket and open my messages. I have a text from Jungkook.
Jungkook : "Hey baby. I just wanted to see if your okay. I miss you ❤️"
I smile and text him back. Me: "I'm great, babe. I miss you so much. How are you and my brother ?"
Jungkook : "We are good. We just finished shopping and now we are going to go get an oil change."
Me: "Okay kookie. I'll see you later. I love you." Jungkook: "I love you to."
"Miss Becker ?" A man walks out from a room and calls Addy. "Right here." We stand as he motions for us to come. We follow him to the back and we are seated again. He ask Addy some questions then we began the photo shoot. She places him down in this cute blue bassinet as the photographer sets up his camera. He cries and reaches for her but she gives him toy and he clams down. By this time, the photographer is ready. "If you can get his attention, that be perfect," he tells Addy. She walks on the side of the photographer and begins calling for him. "Mason. Mason look at mommy." He looks her way and smiles. "Excuse me ? I'm sorry, what was you name again ?" "My name is Ben." Addy and I nod our heads and let him continue. Mason is smiling and laughing as we make faces and sounds. We change his position after the first few pics. He is moved on to his tummy on this boppy pillow with Addy on the floor next to him. They look so cute. Mason is always happy when he is with his mommy. After a few more pics, he is now in Addy's arms, resting on her hip. She gives him kisses or rest her head against his.
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