Mother's Day

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Blakes been keeping us super busy lately now that she is up and moving. She loves to walk everywhere and doesn't care to be held as much. My little baby is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe that next month she will be a year old.

I'm already out shopping for birthday party supplies and I just want to be simple but cute. I think a nice light pink color with some white will be cute for her first party. I gathered a few supplies and now I'm on my way back home. Kookie is making us lunch and I can't wait to eat. I'm super hungry since I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I pull into our driveway and get the bags out the car. I walk into the front door and find my two loves in the kitchen. Blake is eating spaghetti and making a total mess. She laughs as I crouch down beside her and she tries to feed me a noodle. I shake my head and smile causing her to laugh even more. I kiss her forehead then walk one to kookie. He places down our plates and pulls me into a tight hug. He pushes his lips onto mine and kisses me passionately. "I love you babe." I give him a smile and he returns it. "You hungry ?" I nod my head and take a seat. He hands me a fork and I dig in.

He sits in the chair next to me and starts digging into his food. I laugh when he has to slurp up one of the long noodles and it gets all over his face. Blake laughs as well and it just makes us laugh even more. After we eat lunch, I let Blake run around for awhile until it's time for her to take a nap. We play with her stuffed animals and mini kitchen set.

"Mother's Day is coming up. Did you get something for mommy yet ?" I ask her as I pull her to me and sit her in my lap. She fusses and pulls away from me as I give her little kisses. "Fine. Don't get mommy a gift." She babbles and continues to play with her food set.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm sure she is going to give her lovely mother something." Kookie says as he sits on the couch. I nod my head and give him a smile. I join him on the couch and snuggle close to him. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close. He gives my head a kiss and smiles. A little later I grab Blake and put her to bed. I show Kookie all the birthday supplies I bought and he loves them.

"The pink colors are beautiful. Even though it's simple, it will turn out perfectly." I nod my head in agreement and smile. We rest on the couch for a while until it's time for dinner. Blake wakes up from her nap and I watch her play in my bedroom. She stands on the bed and holds on to the basket. "What are you doing my silly girl ?" She giggles as I sit next to her. I give her cute squishy face a kiss and she babbles.

 I give her cute squishy face a kiss and she babbles

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I pick her up and take her into the living room. I place her next to her dad then go grab a snack for her. I put on her favorite show, Bubble Guppies, then help her eat her snack. "Look at our little girl. I can't wait for her birthday next month." Kookie brushes her hair and she turns her head to look at us. "Are you ready for your birthday ?" Blake just babbles and it makes us laugh.  I brush her hair lightly with my hand and smile.

That night for dinner I cook some pot roast with vegetables. I make Blake some oatmeal then place her in her highchair. I prepare the plates for Kookie and I then get us something to drink. He walks into the kitchen and I smile. "Ready to eat ?" He smiles and nods his head. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

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