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I have no clue what I'm gonna write in this damn chapter so I'm just gonna wing it hopefully it turns out good idk lol but hopefully you enjoy it!

Duff's POV
We arrived at Mississippi but we had two days before the actual concert so went out to eat at some dinner.

When we walked in the hostess seated us and gave us menus I looked up from my menu and I saw the most beautiful woman walk by the guys saw me gaugoling (pretty sure I spelled it wrong) over her so slash decided to be the asshat he is and ran up to her and started talking to her then I saw her look at me with a smile I smiled sheepishly back and hid my face in my menu.

Slash's POV
When I saw Duff just staring I had to be an asshat so I got up and ran up to her and said "hey my blond tall friend over there thinks your really pretty" she smiled and turned her head to look at him and she turned back and said "which one there are 2" with a slight laugh "uh the one at the end" she smiled and looked at him again and he returned it and hid his face.

She turned back to me and said "well my name is Susan Holmes and here is my number for your friend......?" "Oh..uh..Duff" "ok for your friend Duff" she pulled out a pen and picked up a napkin from another table and wrote her number and gave it to me.

We shook hands and went our different ways I walzed back over to our table with a smile on my face pleased with myself and sat down Duff removed the menu on his face with a slight frown  I laughed and handed him the napkin he said "what's this?" "Dude I got her number for you" he looked up with a shocked expression and I said "her name is Susan Holmes"I leaned back and Axl put his arm around my shoulder and the waiter came to the table and asked our orders we gave it to him and he left.

After dinner

Axl's POV
Well that was smooth as fuck with slash getting that girls number for Duff.

When we got home I asked Duff when he was gonna call her and ask her out on a date he said he'd call her tomorrow and with that we all went to bed.

Next morning

Izzy's POV
Well today is the day Duff is gonna call that Susan girl from yesterday this is gonna be fun.

Steven's POV
Yay Duffy is finally growing up! I'm gonna make pizza for breakfast!!!!!!

Duff's POV
Today I'm gonna call Susan and ask her out on a date and hopefully she says yes.

Time skip

It like 12 so I'm gonna call her now I picked up the house phone and dialed the number the guys came running into the living and sat around me like a bunch of little kids waiting for a story and of course Steven has pizza.

When Susan picked up she said "hello?" "Oh....um..hey it's Duff my friend slash talked to you yesterday and you gave him your number for me" the guys we just smirking at me....kids.... "Oh yeah hey Duff what's up" her voice was soft and sweet "oh...I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me... maybe see a movie and dinner?"

I heard squealing in the back round then I heard Susan say "shut up I'm talking" kinda quietly like I wasn't supposed to heard I just chuckled a but and she said "uh...sounds great what time?" "Maybe around 7?""yeah sounds great" I asked her, her address and she gave it to me and we said goodbye and hung up the guys quickly gave me a high-five or a punch on the shoulder saying "way to go" or "don't do anything to scare her off" I just chuckled and shrugged  it was only like 12:30 when I got off the phone with Susan so I had some time before I had to get ready.

so I just sat in the living room with the guys playing video games When it was 5 I decided to get a shower and get dressed I wore my usual black ripped skinny jeans and a regular black t-shirt and my leather black jacket with my hair in it usual style and my lock necklace and was out the door by 6:30 and on my way to pick up Susan she lived closer than I thought she did.

when I got there it was 7 and I knocked on the door and she answered she was wearing a nice blue dress that went down to her knees and her blond hair was in a nice ponytail she smiled and we walked to my car and got in on our way to dinner at a restaurant called herb and spice Izzy told me about it.

When we go there i got out and opened her door before she could and helped her out and walked into the restaurant it was nice inside it was dark lit by candles at each table and night little lights hanging from the ceiling it had a cozy feeling to it.

The host smiled and asked for my name I kindly said "uh..Duff McKagen he smiled and said "follow me" we were seated by the back of the restaurant and he said here are your menus and said "I'll be back in a few to take your orders" and left I turned to Susan and smiled she said "this place is amazing you didn't have to bring me here you know I would've just been fine with Denny's or something" with a little giggle I smiled and said "I know but I wanted to take you somewhere nice" she smiled and the waiter walked back and asked if we were ready to order we gave him our orders and he smiled and left again.

Me and Susan just talked about a bunch of random things until our food got here and omg it looked delicious when we finished eating I paid an we left for the theater when we got there thank God it wasn't crowded we decided to watch Ghostbusters because that movie is fucking amazing when we got the tickets we went to the candy counter and got a large popcorn and 2 larg sodas with nerds and snow caps yummy.

When we got to the room thing where the movie is being played we sat at the very top and got settled in when the movie started we had to watch all the credits and shit blah blah blah.

When the movie was over it was around 12 at night I took Susan home we said our goodbyes and she went into her house and I drove home.

Omg omg omg how did you like it ik it wasn't all on slash and Axl but I thought I could twist it up a little bit I actually liked the way it turned out thb give me you thoughts!!!!!

~Love ya cece

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