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What's up my sexy mofos sorry I haven't written in a while I'm just a lazy ass mother fucker lol but her. Ya. Go.

Axl's POV
When we got to the hospital we all ran to the reception desk and asked for Izzy stradlin the nurse said "he's currently in surgery the crash was pretty bad but I will let you know as soon as he gets out and if he's able to have visitors but he may be asleep"
We all just nodded and went to sit in the waiting room and of course I got stuck in my thoughts

This is all your fault if you would've just done what Izzy said then he wouldn't have left the house and gotten into a crash

Slash put his hand on my shoulder and said "he's gonna pull through ax he's a though son of a bitch and if your blaming yourself for this is not your fault" he gave me a kissed and said he and Duff were gonna go get coffee for everyone and walked off.

Slash's POV
When I walked off with Duff I turned to him and said "I think Axl is blaming himself for Izzy's accident he's just staring off into space and shit" Duff said "why would he think it's his fault the hospital told used his car slipped on ice and he couldn't get it back into control and crashed into a truck" I just shrugged and continued walked to get everyone their coffee.

When we got back to the guys we handed them their coffee and I sat next to Axl and tried talking to him he just sat there silent and looked off into space I just sighed and sat back into my chair Steven ended up falling asleep like an hour ago along with Duff me and Axl were the only ones up I tried telling him to get some rest cause we don't know when Izzy would be done surgery he just shook his head no so I decided to get some rest cause Axl is stubborn as fuck.

Axl's POV
The guys fell asleep but I couldn't so I stayed up until I got any news on Izzy about a half hour after slash fell asleep the nurse came over and said "Izzy stradlin just got out of surgery and he is able to have visitors and one person can stay with him"

I smiled and thanked her and woke the guys up and told them the went to ask the nurse his room number she said he was in room 267 we thanked her and ran to his room when we got to his room he was hooked up to so many wires and had a tube in his mouse and and oxygen tank next to him.

This is all to familiar.

I thought to myself and pulled a chair up next to him the doctor said he'd probably be out for a few days and would be in serious pain and they'd need to keep him for a good amount of time to make sure he's healing properly.

When visiting time was over I said I'd stay with him tonight and someone can stay with him tomorrow and that we could take turns staying with him they nodded and said goodnight slash walked up to me and gave me a kiss and said "I love you and try to get some sleep please" I just nodded and they left.

Duff's POV
As we left and got into our car we all just took a breath of relief that Izzy was alright but while we were in the room the doctor walked in.

The doctor walked in and started talking to us he said " Izzy did die on us for a minute or two but were quickly able to revive him and get his vitals stable enough to continue the surgery he is a lucky guy" he checked to make sure all of the machines were running properly and checked the oxygen tank to make sure he has enough for the night and left

End of flashback

We drove home and didn't even bother to make any dinner and went straight to bed it took me a while to fall asleep but I eventually did.

Steven's POV
When we got home we all went to our rooms to sleep but I couldn't so I ate pizza and watched 'white chicks' is funny as hell and I love that movie I pulled the hidden pizza from under my bed and ate it, it's from this morning so it's still good.

Sorry this chapter is so short but im a lazy mother fucka but I'll make next chapter longer anyways smell ya later my beautiful people

remember keep marching to the beat of your own drum

~love ya cece

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