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What's up my sexy mofos ok here is another chapter I will make this one longer so Here. Ya. Go.

Slash's POV
When we go to the hospital we went straight to Izzy's room and saw Axl on a chair by a window looking out of it my guess is that he didn't sleep at all last night like we said to "hey ax we're here" said Duff with his arm around Susan's waist.

He looked over and said "oh hey guys" he said with a slight smile and got up and walked over to us giving hugs to the guys and giving me a kiss and said he was going to get coffee and asked if we wanted any I said I'd go with him and we left "did you sleep at all last night ax?" "Uh..yeah off and on" When we got to the cafeteria we got the guys their coffee and got ours.

We talked about some things and ideas for our next album until we got back to the room when we walked in the guys got their coffee and we all sat in chairs all around the room me and Axl sat in the two chairs under the window and Steven and Susan sat on chairs by the door while Duff say in a chair by Izzy's bed.

Duff's POV
We sat in silence for a little while until Steven spoke up "un..guys who's staying with Izzy tonight?" We call just looked at each other and shrugged then I said "I will so slash and Axl can go home and spend some quality singer and guitarist time" then I winked at them and continued with "and Steven can spend some drummer and pizza time together" I said laughing he just smiled like a child at me and laughed at little too along with everyone else in the room.

Then we started talking about ideas for our next album Axl came up with some pretty good ass Ideas the doctor walked in to check on Izzy and to make sure the machines were working right and said that he should be waking up within the next soon then left.

When visiting time was over I said goodbye to the guys and kissed and hugged Susan goodnight and told her she was welcome to come by again tomorrow she said goodnight and left I went piss then went back to sit by the window to watch the sunset the sky was purple, blue, pink, and orange it was beautiful I fell asleep an hour later.

Izzy's POV (unconscious still)
Where the hell am I it's really fucking dark and cold I heard faint voices but I couldn't hear them well enough to make out who they belong to I've been walking in the nothingness for what seemed like ages.

I just wanna get the fuck outta here and wake the hell up already I wanna see all my friends and shit I wanna go back on tour...SHIT THE TOUR! Was it cancelled or something I have to wake up soon so we can get the fuck back up on stage.

Axl's POV
When we got home I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich once I finished I went upstairs to shower when I got to the bathroom I closed the door and striped outta my clothes and got into the nice hot shower when I finished I went back downstairs to see Steven and slash watching some movie so I joined them on the couch it was pretty funny.

When I started getting drowsy I kiss slash goodnight and said goodnight Steven and went upstairs to bed about 20 minutes later I felt the bed sink down and I turned to see slash climbing under the covers I smiled at him and we talked for a while until slash said "hey ax.....what do you think about adopting a baby?" I actually liked the idea of having a baby "yeah... maybe I like that idea maybe we could talk about it some more in the morning?"
He smiled and gave me a kiss then went to sleep.

Steven's POV
When slash went to be I decided that it would be a good idea to head to sleep too when I got up to my room I turned on the TV and watched it for about 10 minutes before falling asleep.

Izzy's POV (unconscious still)
I'm running but I don't know why it's not because I'm scared about something nothing is chasing me or some shit I just feel like I have to run.

Axl's POV
When we got home I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich then went upstairs to shower afterwards wen I got to the bathroom I stripped outta my clothes and got into the nice hot shower I stayed there for a little while just under the hot water it felt nice.

When I finished I got into my pajamas and went downstairs and saw Steven and slash watching a movie I sat down next to slash and laid my head on his shoulder and watched the movie it was pretty funny im not sure what it was called though. When I started to get drowsy I decided to go to bed and I got up and gave slash a kiss and said goodnight and said goodnight to Steven and went up to my room.

About 20 minutes later I felt the bed sing in next to me I turned around and smiled at slash we just talked about some stupid things until slash said "hey ax......how do you feel about adopting a baby?" I though it was a great idea "I like the sound of that but why don't we talk more about it tomorrow morning?" "Yeah ok I love you Axl" "I love you too slash" the we both fell asleep.

Steven's POV
When slash went to bed I decided it was a good idea for me to head to bed when I got to my room I put on my TV and soon fell asleep.

                  The next day

Duff's POV
When the guys got here they sat down and we just started talking and laughing at some jokes Steven told us.

Izzy's POV
I could hear laughing and talking I started running to the sound of it then I saw a big light blueish light so I ran into it.

Slash's POV
I looked over at Izzy and saw his hand slightly move I told the guys and we all just looked at him for a few minutes the he gasped for a big breath of air and his eyes shot open.

Steven ran out to get a nurse an soon came back with a short blond she said "I'm so happy you are awake Mr. Stradlin"
He smiled weakly and shook his head she said "ok now I'm just gonna take the tube out of your mouth now" when she finished she said "just call if you need anything" and left.

Izzy's POV
When I woke up I hade a tube in my mouth and all the guys were staring at me with wide eyes and nurse came came in to take the tube out of my mouth when she left Axl came up to me and hugged me when he hugged me he whispered in my ear "I'm so sorry iz" "I'm sorry too ax"
Then the rest of the guys gave me a hug then axl looked and slash and nodded they both stood up and said "guys we have an announcement."

So I'm gonna leave you my lovelies with a cliffhanger I guess you can already tell when the announcement is but anyway I hope you enjoyed it I had to write this chapter like 5,000 times but it's a cool lol.

As always remember

Keep marching to the beat of your own drum

~Love ya cece

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