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What's up my beautiful people here is my next chapter...I've been good with updating and shit right? Lol but whatever Here. Ya. Go.

Axl and slash stood up together and said "Guys we have an announcement"

Izzy's POV
"We have decided to adopt a baby" me and the guys didn't really know what to say we we just simply shocked but we said congratulations and gave them a hug the Duff said "so what gender are you guys planning on?"

Axl's POV
"We didn't really talk about gender yet so I don't really know"
I said they just nodded and we started talking about it a bit the Steven said "I have an idea on how to pick the gender" "ok let's hear it" Duff said "so how about we all put in a gender and we can put the paper in my hat and Axl or slash can pick a paper out"

It sounded like a good idea so we did it I wrote on my paper a boy and folded it and put it in the hat.

Slash's POV
I put a girl and then put it in the hat after Axl.

Steven's POV
I put a girl and put it in the hat after slash.

Izzy's POV
I put a boy and put it in the hat after Steven.

Duff's POV
I put a girl and put in in the hat last and then shuffled the paper and held it towards Axl and slash.

Slash told Axl he could pick and Axl put his hand in and pulled out a paper and in folded it and said "it looks like were having a girl" he said with a smile then we all broke into a smile and cheered a little the doctor walked in and said "we will check and see if Mr. Stradlin is healing properly and then you guys can check out and leave" we said ok and about an hour later we were all in the car.

On our way home Izzy said "so what happened with the tour is it cancelled or something?" "No. We just took a break and explained to the fans what happened and when your fully healed it will be back on" Axl explained Izzy just nodded and we went home.

Axl's POV
When we got home no one felt like making shit to eat so we ordered pizza and we just sat around on the couch talking and stuff "so when do you guys plan on go to the adoption center for a baby" Steven asked "I don't know probably when your is over since we only have a few months left" slash said.

Meant and slash had to start planning this out before hand this will seem like fun when the pizza got here we put on a movie and fell asleep on the couch after we watched like five movies.

                Next morning

Izzy's POV
When I woke up I was on the couch with all the guys on the floor and on the other couch it was probably only like six in the morning I went piss and then took a shower when I got out it was 6:30 so I got dressed and went downstairs to eat I just ate some frosted flakes and coffee.

Later on the guys started waking up and getting their breakfast we decided to just stay at home and relax since I hade to take it easy me and Steven ended up playing a video game and slash was playing a guitar with a cigarette in his mouth Axl was just messing with some stuff and Duff was upstairs doing whatever.

Im actually happy Im finally home and I'm pretty stoked about going back and finishing tour and it would be pretty cool to have a kid around the house.

Steven's POV
When I beat Izzy at the game he left to go do something else so I went to find Duff I went up to his room and knocked on the door he answered with a cigarette in the mouth and I asked him if he wanted to play video games he said sure and then the phone rang he answered it and said "hey what's up?" I'm not sure who was on the other end but her continued with"yeah thats fine" when he hung up I asked who it was he said it was Susan abd that she was coming over to hang out with everyone.

We went downstairs to play video games and about 20 minutes later a knock was at the door Axl answered it and Susan walked in and said hi to everyone and sat down next to a very considerated Duff he didn't even notice her sit down until he died in the game then he looked up and said "oh hey I didn't even notice you were here" she smiled and said "I can tell" with a light giggle.

We ended up telling Susan about Axl and slash wanting to adopt a baby and she said "aw that would be cute. what gender do you guys want?" "A girl" Axl and slash replied at the same time "did you guys start planning on everything yet cause if not I could help you guys if you want" axl said "yeah thanks we could use the help we wouldn't know what the fuck we would be doin" we laughed a little and ate some lunch with was just sandwiches and soda.

Slash's POV
Susan ended up staying the night with Duff it was a pretty good day I liked hanging out with everyone and I was great ful the Susan offered to help us with the baby.

I'm really excited for this baby I can't wait we will be the best parents we could be and I bet duff, Izzy and Steven would make pretty great uncles they would probably spoil the shit outta her I'm pretty happy that we should be going back on tour soon I like it.

Well damn took me long enough to finish this chapter but I did I hope you guys liked it!

And remember as always

Keep marching to the beat of your own drum

~Love ya cece

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