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The smell of musty damp earth wafted up to fill my senses as my steps destroyed the already dead leaves. Wind howled through the bare trees, and shook the rest off the dead stubborn leaves. Burrowing my chin further into my scarf I tried to shield off the cold wind. Tugging the wool hat over my ears I listened to the now muffled angry wind. Staring down at the dull orange leaves I continued down the hidden path, weaving between the dark trees. The barren branches startled me as they violently rattled. Staring at the branches it dawned on my tired eyes that the branches, eerily looked like human skeletons. Shuddering, I continued on trying to block the feeling that something wasn't right.
Snap. Stopping mid step I strained to here another sound. But the decaying orange forest had grown silent. Hairs on the back of my neck stood up as eyes watched me silently. Dread flooded my stomach when I whirled around to find the phantom eyes. The orange leaves rustled at my sudden movement, but quickly settled as I stood silently. Frantically scanning the barren trees to find something. Hesitantly turning around, my footsteps quickened as discreetly as possible. The orange leaves rustled slightly as my footsteps quickened. Startling at the sound of wings, walking a midnight crow flew above calling out to his brothers. Tracking his flight pattern, I noticed that two more had joined the single crow. An old forgotten memory was pushed to the front as the three crows perched on a tree, with a few dirty orange leaves hanging on stubbornly. Their beady eyes stared with famished intensity. A harsh caw escaped their beaks ushering up a forgotten memory in the back of my mind.
The orange flames hungrily devoured the dry brittle logs. Mesmerized I continued to watch the vibrant orange flames with my own intensity. "Don't get to close to the fire darling." listening to the faint voice behind me, I listened and moved a little ways away. But in a way that my gaze never moved from the flickering orange. "Look at me child." obediently turning around, I reluctantly looked at the figure in the chair. Their face was hidden in the shadows, away from the warmth of the orange flames. They opened their mouth to speak and wisps of frost floated from their mouth, slowly encircling them in a cloud of frost. Their words finally pushed through the veil of frost and hung heavy in the warm air. The orange fire shrank back as their frosty warning began to encase me in frost.
"Always remember this child. The number of crows you see foretells the future: one's bad, two's luck, three's health, four's wealth, five's sickness, and six is death."
Panting heavily, I hesitantly looked up at the crow's perched on the branch. In the span of disappearing into my memory, two more had joined. Turning heel I ran. Flurry of movement sent the decaying orange leaves into the air. The air whipped around me and the sound of heavy footsteps surrounded the clearing. Stumbling on a root the feeling of sharp claws racked my back as growling surround my senses. Collapsing on the ground, I felt the damp orange leaves cling to my body as I tried to stand up. My eyes darted up and I froze. What stood before me was a pitch black beast, dazzling orange eyes, and brilliant orange fire dripping out of its maw, burning the leaves below its viscous paws. A deep growl reverberated from the depth of its throat. Circling slowly, it watched me intently. Sitting there in horrified silence I still found myself mesmerized by its brilliant orange eyes. Arching it's back and opening its muzzle, I caught a glimpse of terrifying razor sharp teeth glowing orange. Finally understanding what was about to happen, I scrambled up and tried to run into the forest. Taking a running step, the sharp heavy paws thudded against my back sending me toppling back to the ground. Collapsing on the ground hot breath blew down my neck. Helplessly I stared at the decaying orange leaves and accepted my undeniable fate.
The creature roared and I heard the undeniable sound of wings bursting through the bare branches. Rolling over, I came face to face with brilliant glowing orange eyes. It growled menacingly as we stared at each other. It slowly parted its jaw to reveal its razor sharp teeth dripping with an orange fire. Standing still, it's charcoal black fur bristled and stood on edge. An acceptance washed over me as it dawned on me... I was about to die. But was I okay with that? Is this how I'm really going to die? Just as the thought crossed my mind, I watched in horror as the black creature leaped and landed right on top of me. Staring into its brilliant hungry orange eyes, I felt those razor sharp teeth clamp onto my throat. Opening my mouth I let out a blood piercing scream in the hopes that some one would find me. But no one came.
Staring helplessly at the sky I watched as six crows waited for the black creature to finish draining me of my life. I felt a sensation like I was being absorbed by the orange leaves on the ground. Becoming one with the dying forest I stared helplessly at the silent crows. I should have heeded the warning...

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