: Dentist

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My girlfriend and I are going to the Dentist today, for her wisdom tooth to be removed. Were now in her car, heading to the Dentist clinic.

Y/n don't know that the girls are going to be there, I can't wait to see her loopy. I gigle to myself, that caught my girlfriend attention.

"Why are you laughing?" She ask me, her electric blue eyes looking at me briefly before staring straight ahead and focus on driving.

I shake my head no. "Nothing, I just remembered something, Dinah said to me" I lied looking at my girlfriend beautiful side profile. She's so beautiful, those cheekbones, pointed nose, and nany  more!. I sighed.  Luckily she buys it, and continue to drive. After two more songs on the radio, we arrived.

Like always she open my door, I peck her cheeks as a thank you. We walk hand in hand together to the entrance, we walk in straight to the information desk.

"Hey, I'm Y/n, I have an apointment to Mrs. Jones" My girlfriend said to the girl, probably nurse behind the counter. The girl smiled.

"Yeah, Mrs. Jones is in the room, you know where is it? Or should I guide you?" The girl ask. My girlfriend shakes her head.

"No thanks, I know where is it, thank you" Y/n said nodding one last time. We walk together toward the room, the nurse saying. This is my first time, being here so, I let my girlfriend guide me.

We stop infront of a white door. Y/n knock, then open the door slightly and peek in her head.

"Y/n! How are you?" The middle aged woman ask from her table when we get in.

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking, by the way, this is my girlfriend Camila" Y/n said, I removed my hand to Y/n's for me to shake Mrs. Jones hand.

"Hi, I'm Camila nice to meet you" I said as I shake Mrs. Jones hand. The woman smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Camila, Y/n is lucky to have you, you're a very beautiful girl" Mrs. Jones complemented making me blush.

"Alright Jessica, so let's start?" Y/n ask. Mrs. Jones or Jessica nodded and stand up from her chair. She led us in a room, where all the Dental equipments are. As Y/n fell asleep after Jessica injected her, I walk out the room.
As much as I love seeing what is happening, I'm afraid of blood.
I walk toward the waiting area, I just recieve a text from Dinah saying they're here.

"Chancho!" I heard. I snap my head toward the direction of that sound. Dinah, she's waving at me. The girls trailing behind her.

"Hey, guys, the operation just started" I said infroming all the girls.

"You know, I can't wait to see her after operation" Dinah said. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I know you can't" I said. She flip me off.

"Oh shut up chancho, I know you're too" Dinah said.

Yeah, she's right, I can't wait to see her, but I'm not going to said it to Dinah.


After an hour, we all can go in the room. In there, there's a sitting Y/n, looking at us going in.

"Well, hello babe" I said sitting beside her to the bed. I peck her Lips. She smiled but frown.

"You know, I can't feel my face" Y/n said poking her own cheeks. I chuckle at her. "Why are you laughing?, there's nothing funny, oh my god! baby are you high?!, I knew it! Lauren is giving you a blunt!" Y/n exclaim, pointing at a laughing Lauren.

"Oh God this is hilarious!" Dinah said laughing beside Lauren, camera pointing at a confused Y/n.

"Okay, what the hell is happening? You all laughing! But there's nothing funny, you guys are creepy big shit, except for Ally she's a creepy little shit, not big, because her size is small" Y/n said, Dinah is now holding on her stomach because of laugjing so hard, Ally on the other hand pout.

After that, I feel arms around me, a face stuff to my hair then sniff.

"You smell so good!" Y/n said sniffing my hair. "Your hair smell strawberry, can I eat it?" Y/n ask, already opening her mouth. I quickly pulled away from her.

"No! It's not food!" I said clutching my hair. It's a No!. Why she wants to eat my hair?

"oohh but, Hey Mani! Can I taste your skin? It looks like chocolate, and also looks delicious!" Y/n said licking her lips.

"This is it, I'm going out" Normani said quickly walking out the room, leaving us behind.

"My chocolate just walk away! You guys don't even move a muscle to stop her!" Y/n exclaim, crissing her arms.

"Oh Y/n! Wait until you watch this!" Dinah said beside Lauren, who's laughing her ass off.

I shake my head and look at my pouting girlfriend. I'm sure as hell Dinah won't stop teasing her, after this.

Poor Y/n.

A/n: And that's it!
Sorry for wrong grammar!
English is not my first language!

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