She's the mechanic??

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Camila's POV

I'm capable of some things, like, I can sing, I can rap, I can dance, not professionally, oh and I can eat many, like many many, and I can play the guitar.

But fix a broken Van?

That something I don't have any idea what to do.

"Ugh, Ally are we stuck?" Dinah groan from her postion on the ground. She's sitting on some large rock. We're heading to our parents house it felt like hundred years since we ladt saw our own parents, but trust me it's just 4 years.

And this is the first time we're going home after we moved out our house. Us five wanted to have our own house so, when we reached 18 we all moved out and go to New York.

"Yeah, do you Lauren and Camila have a number of the mechanics here?" Ally asked Lauren and I.

Lauren shook her head before saying. "My Dad usually fix it, and before you guys react why I don't just call my Dad to come fix it, they're not here in Miami."

The girls look at me.

"What? It slips out of my mind, but I do have the number of the mechanics," I said smiling.

"Well, dial now" Dinah grumbled. I look at the blonde, she's not in a good mood.

I dial the mechanics number.

"I'm Camila, and the van is smoking," I said after the man asked my name and what's wrong. I hung up then look at the girls.

"He said he's going to send someone over, soon" all the girls groan at the last word.


10 minutes later we hear the sound of the tow truck. We all look up from our phones to see a blue rusty truck pulling over.

"Thank the fuck!" Dinah exclaimed. Ally hitting her on the back of her head.

The door of the truck opens, then a blonde girl in a denim colored jumpsuit, jumped out the truck.
Her boots hitting the sand bellow her shoes, making the dust fly when she landed.

I look her up and down. Because why not? She's Hot. Her hair is on a high ponytail, some of her hair falling down her face, a black ray ban sunglasses perch upon her nose, her hands cover in paint and grease, but she still look hot.

Covered in grease and paints she's still look hot, what if she clean herself up, she's literally the definition of  flaming gorgeous.

She's the mechanic? I asked myself.

I'm really sure this is not the man I spoke to 10 minutes ago. I mean she don't really look like a man.

"Ms. Camila?" The girl asked, looking at us, everyone of us. I raised my hand and wave a little.

"That's me" the girl smiled and reach out her hand for a shake.
Of course I shake it.

"Oh shit sorry" the girl said pulling her hand away. "Grease" she said smiling apologetically. Oh God! She's so fucking cute!.

"And you're not the man I spoke too" I said, the girl laughed shaking her head.

"Definitely not, I'm his daughter, Y/N Martinez" the girl grinned.

She got a name and it's Y/N.

I smiled and pointed to our van that is dying.

"I think the van is dying already" I said, the girl looks to where I'm pointing and walks over to the van, opening the hood, then coughing because of the smoke.

"It's not going to die, but I have to take it to the shop" the girl said. I nodded.

"That would be great, we don't want to be stuck here forever" I said smiling the Y/N smiled back, before walking towards her tow truck and towing our van.

"Come on you girls we have to go to the shop" the girl said opening the back door of the truck, Ally have to sit on Lauren's lap, Mani on Dinah's, because it's a four person truck, not 10 or something.

Lucky me, I'm sitting on the passenger seat, beside the flaming gorgeous girl.


Y/N unhooked our van and start to check what is happening. We're all sitting on the sofa here, watching her fix our van. And I'm telling you, I'm really enjoying watching her muscles flex because of using the wrench.

She just look damn sexy.

"Okay Mila, stop eye fucking the girl, it's giving me goosebumps all over my body, just imagining you jumping her right here" Dinah said smirking at me. I blushed at what term she used.

"Oh Dinah leave the girl alone" Ally said smiling at me, before scolding Dinah for cursing.

After waiting forever, but it's just 10 minutes the girl slam the door to our van shut, when it works. She walks towards us and give the car key back to Ally.

"The van is done" Y/N said.

"Okay so how much?" I asked.

"Oh no, it's on the house beautiful" Y/N said smiling at me, now that she's not under our van, I realized she removed her sunglasses, her blue eyes shining brightly. Oh God!

"Wha-what?" I asked feeling my cheeks are heating up, because of what she just called me.

"On the house Ms. Cabello, I love your book" that's all she said before walking away towards the back office.

When she's gone, Dinah wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Well thanks for your amazing writing skills chancho, you just saved our ass from paying a hundred dollars" Dinah smirk.

I pushed her away feeling my cheeks still burning and burning from what just happened.

We all get in the van and as Ally is pulling out the driveway, I start to think what just happen back there, is she flirting with me? A gorgeous girl flirting with me? A writer?

But, how did she knows I'm a writer? I only published it to our school I just try if it's going click, I published maybe 50 books. How the hell she got one?


Ally slammed the brakes, looking at everyone.

"What the fuck Camila!"  Lauren exclaimed.

A/N: to be continued ;)
Sorry for not updating :(

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