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I groan.

What's that?


I'm sleeping!


Fucking hell.

I open my eyes then squint through the brightness of my bedroom, my eyes landing on my digital clock the red light saying 7AM. Alright, who the hell is calling me at 7Am on Sunday? It's supposed be a rest day, Jesus said that.

I grab my phone from my nightstand, checking the caller ID frowning when I saw who is it, why she's calling? then swiping the screen. I answered with a groggy voice, shuffling up to my headboard.

"Somebody better be dying, I swear to God, Camila. It's seven on a Sunday morning." I said to my phone.

"I'm sorry babe-" I cut her off. Knowing already why she called me, but it didn't lessen the thumping of my ribcage every time I heard her say it.

"Alright, alright, no need to used the 'babe' thingy, what do you need Karla?" I asks sitting up from my bed waiting for her to said something.

"How do you know I need something from you?" She asked back.

I stand up from my bed then go to my closet, opening it then looking for something to wear. "Because, every time you need something you're being sweet, now come on Camila don't be shy on me now, come on tell your best friend what you need from her," I said picking up a black shirt and a black jeans.

"I, I need you to buy me some tampons, because I'm out of stock and my Mom is not here," she explained. I humm.

"Alright, I'm heading out now, I'll call you if I get confused, bye." I said walking to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Okay, thanks Y/N you're the best." She said, then hangs up.

After I brush my teeth, I walk out my bathroom to put on my shoes but, firstly, I need some socks. I bend down putting on my white converse then walking out my bedroom then down the stairs.

I walk in the kitchen to grab some granola bar from the counter.

"Whoa, whoa,Y/N waking up before noon? That's new!" My father said from his spot on the counter.

"Oh Dad, it's not my first time waking up this early," I said opening the bar then biting it. I walk out the kitchen and go straight to the front door, "Alright I'm gonna head out now! Bye Dad!" I called out behind me.

I get in my car and start it, I pulled out from our garage then drive to the nearest convenient store here.

[Skip car ride]

I shut my car door behind me then walk in the store. I grab a basket and headed towards the tampons and pads aisle.

Oh God. I look at all the tampons available here. I grab one then read it, I don't know what is this even if I read it. Come on! Can you really blame me?
I'm intersex. I don't get periods.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Camila's number.


"I'm very confused right now, there's so many kind of tampons here!" I exclaimed. I heard someone giggling behind me so I turn my head to see some girl from our school. I quickly turn my head before she saw my face. Because I'm blushing for simply saying it to Camila.

"Just get me those with blue packaging, I like those," she said giggling I looked for the blue packaging then grab many.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now Camila." I said, then hang up as she said 'goodbye' and a quick 'drive safely'.

Camila/you ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now