The Switch

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Camila's POV

I groaned feeling my head hurt, I've got the biggest head ache ever. I open my eyes but regrette it, the moment the sun rays hit it.

Shit. What the hell is happening? I don't remember drinking last night! All I remembered I fall asleep on the couch, in the tour bus.

I open my one eye, then two. I rubbed my eyes to make it clear. When I finish wiping my eyes. I look around, black bed sheets, white pillows, white walls. Wait what?! Why I'm here?!

I quickly sat up, and stand up. I'm still wearing clothes, but I don't have a clothes like this! I don't even wear boxers on bed! I quickly ran toward the door, it led me to a bathroom.

What if I had a one night stand? And they just leave?!. Oh fuck! I'm dead. What if I got pregnant?! I touch my lady bits, my first time is with a stranger?!
But when I touch my lady bits, it's hard?

I look down and saw a bulge.

"Ahhhh!!!" I screamed and jump. Oh god! Why I have this?! A bulge!? I take a deep breath, before hooking a finger on the boxer waistband. I pull it a little and take a peak. What I saw shock me to death.

I saw a fucking dick!

Why I have this?! I'm a girl for fuck sake!

I quickly ran towards the mirror, and what I saw bring me to another shock. I saw a blue eyed girl, blonde hair, looking back at me.

I touch my face, Oh my god! What is happening? Why I'm in a body of an anonymous girl?! This can't be happening!.

I paced around the room, thinking of why I'm in a body of another girl. I looked down to my groin and sighed. Fuck it! I need to shower!.

I decided to take a shower, and solve the problem with this dick. I felt uncomfortable doing that. After I shower, I blow dry my hair or this girl hair, because it's not mine. You know what? Just drop it I'm rambling. I walk out the bathroom, with a black bathrobe. Then walk towards a black closet.

This girl, don't like black. I swear.

I walk in the closet, to see a bunch of clothes, all dark. I decided to wear a calvin klein boxers, black ripped knee jeans, black sports bra, white V-neck shirt, and black combat boots. Oh and don't forget the black leather jacket.

I look at my outfit on the full body mirror. This girl look stunning!. I'm stunning!.

I walk out the closet, and brush my hair. Or this girl hair. I look at the mirror, this girl don't need any make up.

I walk out the room, and look around. Paintings on the wall, but no, picture of herself. When I reach the living room, I saw black sofas, red cushions, and white tiles.

I walk toward the kitchen, I open the fridge, Oh thank God! There's a box of Pizza. I grab it and put in a plate, and put in the microwave to heat. The microwave ding, I open it, and pull out the pizza. As I was about to take a bite, a phone ring is being heard.

I saw the phone on the counter, is ringing. I pick it up, and look at the caller I.D. it said, 'My annoying friend, Cara'

"Hello?" I said. And wow, her voice is raspy, but soft at the same time

"Hey! Y/n, you free today?" Y/n. So this girl name is Y/n.

"Uhm no, I'm not free today Cara, I have errands to run right now, maybe another time?" I said to this Cara girl.

"Okay! bye!" Then she hang up. I sighed. And just eat my pizza.



I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Wait what? I'm living alone? why it's smell pancake? I open my eyes and look around.

Window with purple curtain, and I'm lying down on a couch. I quickly sat up, Oh shit! I don't have a purple curtain! And I don't sleep on the couch.

"Oh mila, did I wake you?" A voice bring me out of my thoughts. My head quickly snap toward the voice.

"Camila, are you alright?" The short girl, with blonde hair ask me. But I'm not Camila, I'm Y/n. I stand up from my position on the couch, and head towards the, I think bathroom.

I lock the bathroom door behind me, and face the mirror.

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed. Fuck! What happen? I'm in a body of a beautiful brunette. This face look familiar. Fifth Harmony? I think that's the name of their group.

There's a bang on the door.

"Hey! Mila?! Are you okay?!" Ask a muffled voice. I look at the mirror one last time before opening the door.

"Hey, I'm okay, just I saw this little spider on the tissue roll" I said making the short girl nod. I sighed, thank god! She buy it.

She said I should wake up, Dinah, Normani and Lauren. But I don't know who's that.

I decided to just shout their names.

"Normani! Dinah! Lauren! Wake up! we have pancakes!" I yelled, then the sound of quick footsteps can be heard. A chocolate skin girl first appear, then a paled girl with green eyes, then last A tall blonde girl, come sprinting towards the kitchen of this bus.

We all eat our breakfast, which is pancakes and bacon. There's so many thoughts running through my head, why I'm in a body of a singer? This shit is not okay.  As I'm eating I feel eyes on me. So I look up, to see all the girls looking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Your quiet, were not used to that" The tall blonde girl said.

"Sorry, just I'm not feeling well" I said, lying. The short of all walks toward me to place her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"It's normal" The short blonde girl said, walking back towards her chair then sit down. "We can call Will then said if we can stay here, then go out you girls in?"

"Hell yeah!" The tall blonde girl said, grinning then high fiving the chocolte skin girl.

"Dinah, repeat that word again, I'm going to smack you in the face with my bible" the short girl said, looking at the tall girl.

"I'm sorry mama Alz"

"Hey Mila, you in?" The green eyed girl asked looking at me.

Should I agree? Because I don't know any of them.

"I think I'll pass this time, I'm sorry girls" I said, they all nodded and talk about what they're going to do.

This is going to be a very long day.

A/n: sorry for not updating in a long long time.

Part 2 ;)

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