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POV: Third person


Virgil waited for Roman by the door. He did say that he wanted to talk to him, why was he taking so long?

After for what seemed like forever, a puffy eyed Roman stood at the door and rang the doorbell. Immediately, Virgil answered the door. Virgil saw his boyfriend's red eyes and pulled him inside. Virgil asked what was wrong, but Roman just stood there. Virgil finally had enough of him just standing there, so he dragged Roman to his safe place, the walk in wardrobe.

Roman was surprised to see that the safe place was comfy. There were purple bean bags, pretty little fairy lights with pictures of them and a small, black Christmas tree on the table. Hoodies were hanged in the corner and Virgil's plushies were neatly sitting on a shelf.

Virgil let Roman sit down and told him to spill. Roman started to cry and told Virgil what had happened...


"W-what? No you can't leave!" Virgil wept. His Prince had to move to London because his parents had found a job there. And to make matters worse, Roman was leaving IN A WEEK. Christmas was next week, the day before Roman was leaving. Why must he have to go with his parents? Virgil didn't understand. Roman had promised to keep in touch with Virgil and to visit him every holiday. 


Roman didn't want to leave, either. He had in fact tried to tell his parents he was fine in America, but they wouldn't listen. Roman thought back to what Virgil had said before he left.

"Don't leave me... please?"

No. Roman did not want to leave him. Heck, he didn't want to move at all. This was the first time Roman didn't have to hide his identity to the world. His parents already knew and they were fine with it, well his father was on board with the whole LGBT+ community, since he himself was bi. His mother didn't know about that so when Roman asked his dad why that was, he found out the truth. Their relationship was arranged. Roman felt horrible for his dad because..since... since Roman's father actually had a boyfriend before the arranged marriage.

Roman was confused about his mother. Why didn't she like him being gay? Surely she should be fine, since her sister was a lesbian.....

Soon all things will be found out eventually. Or was it too soon?


At dinner, Roman had asked his mum the question,"Mum? Why don't you like me being gay? My auntie is gay-"
"Roman? Who told you I didn't like you being gay?" His mum questioned.
"I just thought that you didn't like it because you keep frowning at Virgil all the time."
"Oh no! I love Virgil! Don't get me wrong!" His mother laughed. She explained that she knew that her son and Virgil had to be split and it made her feel really bad. Roman decided to push a bit more and asked how long had she known. To his surprise, his mother didn't become angry at all. She apologised that she already knew since September, when they had moved in.

Roman didn't exactly know how to react. His mother knew since the day they had moved and now she feels bad?

Oh Virgil... I want to stay but it seems like fate has other plans...


Back at the Sanders house, things weren't so great. Virgil had locked himself in his safe place. Patton and Logan had tried multiple times to get him out of there, but they had failed.

After an hour of sobbing, Virgil decided it was time to try to tell his parents.

Virgil opened the door and heard a frantic, scared voice. It was Patton. He kept asking Logan questions, they were all related to Virgil's health. Virgil felt really guilty for locking himself in there but Logan said to Patton that it Virgil wanted time alone. Patton could understand that, but he still didn't understand why Virgil was crying. That's when Virgil thought that it was time to finally step out from the shadows and speak up about his problems.

He walked over to his family. They were happy that Virgil came out from the safe place and let him sit on Patton's lap. "So kiddo, are you alright?" Patton asked. Virgil wanted to say yes, but he really wasn't so...
"I'm going to tell you what h-h-happened." Virgil hiccuped.

"I honestly didn't know about this..." Logan said astounded. Logan knew about psychology, but he didn't exactly pay attention to it as much as before. He guessed it was time to pay more attention. He could now understand why Virgil was so hesitant to open up by just looking at his posture and expression. He sat on Patton's lap like a child, even if the teen was just 5'0, he managed to fit on Patton's lap. His face was relaxed, but his hands were covered by his sleeves and he was hugging Patton's arm.

Patton was obviously really upset about all this. He took the responsibility of trying to cheer Virgil up with his favourite foods and TV shows. It actually helped Virgil feel more loved by his parents, but his heart was aching for Roman to stay...

"I never wanted to leave you, Virgil. Always remember that I love you."

Those were the last few words Roman had said to Virgil during the last few moments he had with Roman. Even if Roman was leaving next week, it felt like he was already leaving him.

Virgil didn't want to lose another person in his life. He certainly didn't want to let his first actual boyfriend to leave.

Roman, even if you are leaving next week, you already seem like you are leaving me forever...

Please don't leave me

I love you

SO! I made this chapter extra long WOO! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF RN! 😂

Here's some tissues for you *hands you a box of tissues*

And some candy and chocolate *hands you some candy and chocolate*

And I will see you again VERY soon!!


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