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TW: abuse is mentioned but due to sensitivity, I will not plunge into detail

Virgil had a short lived happy childhood. Everything was fine until this one particular day that set off a ticking time bomb, set to explode at anytime.

It all started when he was coming back from kindergarten: his mother was picking him up as usual, but virgil noticed that she had a bruise on her eye, "Mommy? Why is your eye red?" Virgil's curiosity slipped out.
"Oh sweetie, it's because mommy had fell down and hit her eye on the table." Virgil's mother answered carefully.
"Okay mommy.. do you want me to kiss it better?" Virgil asked innocently, his big eyes widening- how could a mother say no to this? Virgil's mother picked him up and he placed a gentle kiss on her eye and saying that her eye will get better soon and that she needed to be more careful next time. This caused his mother to tear up a bit, but she tried to hide this from Virgil.

Once they reached home, Virgil noticed the strange change of air; instead of the normal and happy family feeling, it felt like walking into a sticky humid environment that no one likes. There was some broken glass on the floor, which scared Virgil a bit. His father ordered Virgil to go to his room. Virgil wanted to protest, but the change of tone in his father's usual voice scared the living daylights out of him. He dashed to his room, trying to figure out what had happened.


A couple months later, a lot of things had occurred: Virgil had found his mother lying dead at the foot of the staircase. He was getting ready to go to school but when he was going down the stairs he saw his mother lying at the bottom, lifeless and in a pool of blood. He screamed and cried. His father was just laughing, "useless woman and our son."

Virgil was a pretty smart kid. He managed to find a phone and call the police. An hour later, the cops had showed up and his father was arrested. (His father didn't know that Virgil had phoned the police and when he found out... let's just say it was enough to get him put into prison for life).

After this, Virgil was taken to an orphanage. He felt scared, alone and very worried. Was he going to stay at this place forever? What was gonna happen? Is his father okay? So many questions filled his little head. Nothing made any sense.

This is where the story begins..

I hope you guys are mentally preparing yourselves :)

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