Chapter one

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Tudi was zipping through the streets of a Pokemon town. A young Pikachu was chasing him. " Halt in the name of the law!" The young male Pikachu yelled at him.

Kids are so dumb. Tudi thought as he used Earthquake, making the young mouse stumble around before hitting a tree. Tudi used Dig to Dig his way through the ground.

He erupted near the young Pokémon. His claws glowed Silver with an already readied Metal Claw. Pikachu was ready for him though. He used Iron Tail and counteracted, saving his stomach from being maimed.

The young explorer was chasing after Tudi for stealing and most recently killing an innocent Mudkip and stealing his groceries.

You know the usual bad guy stuff. Stealing groceries was nothing. Tudi then used Earthquake again. Catching the young Pokémon off balance he aimed another Metal Claw at him. Unfortunately the smart Pikachu sank his teeth down in Tudi's claw flesh. Tudi screamed and flapped his claws around.

Usually Pulse would be here helping him, but Pulse wanted to see how he could do since he had evolved.

The Pikachu was thrown off him as Tudi then decided to just make a run for it. Screw this. He thought. Killing that Pikachu can come later. He thought.

For now he had to go back to his partner. Pulse and Tudi we're now partners for life. Tudi dug underground, confusing the Pikachu while Tudi made his way all the way out to the cave where he and his partner were hiding out at.

Tudi cleaned his claws on the wall, thousands of scratches were already on it, symbolizing how many Pokémon and humans have already died at their claw tips.

Tudi smirked evilly. " Another dumb starter down." He declares loudly. Loud pattering of pawsteps alerted him that his partner was here.

" Did you get the ite?" Pulse asked. " Yes. It was right where you told me. In the paws of a weak Mudkip." Tudi said, placing the wrapping down. He unwrapped the precious round object. It looked like a marble, but both Pulse and Tudi knew this was the mega stone that Pulse had been dying to have.

Unfortunately the police kept on chasing after the poor Houndoom every time he tried to get his hands on it, so that's why these two partners were playing with Tudi's strength today.

" Good job, son. Now that I can mega evolve we can go out and take stuff and kill again without the police easily one hit KOing me." Pulse explains.

" And for your reward we can go to your choice of killing which pathetic and weak human today. Humans are so weak. They cannot live without using us Pokémon to fight their battles for them. Well one day they will all regret doing so." Pulse declares.

" And that day for this specific one will be today, right Dad?" Tudi asked. Pulse nodded. " Today will be a new day for us Pokémon." Pulse proudly says, his tail twitching in excitement.

" Now we don't have all day to do this. Some of these trainers will just be out for just this hour training! Let's go!" Pulse howls. He dashes into the day. Tudi looks after him a brief moment before digging underground and following him.

When the shrew pops up a few moments later they were at an near empty park. There were a few people here. A girl was talking to a boy. They both looked about the same age. A Popplio was hanging at the girl's side in joy and happiness.

That's the one. " Well, son? Have you chosen our next human victim?" Pulse questions him.

Tudi looks at him. That girl. That girl is who he wanted to kill. His eyes glowed with hate toward the girl and her Popplio. " Yes, Father. I have chosen just the human." He declares.

" Tell me who, then." Pulse begs softly. The girl then laughs at the guy. He must of said something funny to the girl, but Tudi didn't find it funny. Humans have a weird sense of humor. He thought.

All the male asked was, " Want a malasada?" What in the name of the distortion world made that funny? Blindly, Tudi points at the girl who was now rolling on the park ground.

What the Sharpedo! That is not funny. " Ah! That one. Good choice my son." Pulse said. They exchanged glances a moment before smirking together.

" Together as one!" They both said only to each other. " With the help of mega evolution now! We will destroy the world of all things controlling!" They both said.

" Let's get her, my son. This will be so much fun!" Pulse says. Yes. Yes it will. He thought with disgust at the Popplio and of course jealousy that he didn't have a trainer who valued him like that girl obviously valued that Popplio. Not for long. He thought.

They both snuck around the park, which was no easy feat. Pulse let out a loud roar, scaring everyone there. Get ready to die, girl, because this will be your last few minutes on earth. Tudi thought as he Metal Clawed The girl's face.

The girl screams while the boy tried to help. Tried. Unfortunately for him Pulse used Flameflower, making the boy scream and hold his eyes. Bitch. Tudi thought as he claws out the girl's throat and lungs.

Tudi loved this. The very screaming of his victims. The dying screams of agony. The wailing Popplio who was trying to help, just kept on getting beaten up because it was so weak. Almost as weak as the Mudkip, but there was something off about this Popplio.

Something scary even that made Tudi want to shiver down to the bone. And as the girl died, Tudi watched with fire in his eyes.

Hatred toward his mother on the girl. " Rot in the distortion world, punk." He harshly said to her as she took her last breath. A shuddering Popplio screamed in despair. " Noooo!" The starter Pokémon wailed with such emotion.

Tudi looked amused. " She was my best friend! How could you?!" The starter spat. Tudi points a jagged bloodied claw at the horrid looking creature. " Too controlling. Now you must be killed too!" Tudi yells as he leaps toward the shivering Pokémon. But the Popplio wouldn't let him kill him without a fight. Just like the Mudkip didn't. Stupid starter squad material. He thought as the battle raged on with the boy getting involved.

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