Chapter twelve

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The trek up the mountain was taking forever. Boulder kept slowing them down every time he swore he heard a song he liked, which was every twenty minutes.

Tudi halted when he heard a voice. " Who goes there?" A feminine voice asked, as an Ice Beam headed for Witness. Boulder instinctively leaped in front of the beam. " Dumbass." Tisa and Tudi chorused as he collapsed and ended up frozen solid.

" Lassie!" Sklirós exclaimed, going into the light of the cave before the Ice Type could fire another frozen projectile . " Lassie? What kind of ass name is that?" Tisa asked. The Froslass ignored the commentary by Tisa and strutted over to Sklirós.

" Sky, it's been a while." Lassie commented, gazing at the Darkrai. The Darkrai glared at her, and said this: " Don't call me that." Then he cleared his throat. " We need your help." He began. Lassie started to chortle.

" You? Need my help? Oh Sky that's hilarious!" She laughed as she slapped an icy hand on her knee. If she has one that is.

" I'm serious." Sklirós deadpanned. The Froslass stopped laughing." What do you even need help for? We're not good guys." She stated. " We need your help because we are trying to defeat this group of annoying do gooders." Sklirós began.

The froslass got a look of annoyance on her face. " I hate those types of Pokémon. Always getting into your business, battling you just because you want to freeze them, think they're doing the world a favor by trying to ' save' a dumb Scizor. What a bunch of annoying brats." She growled.

" What sort of good do these jackass's do?" Lassie asked him. Tudi stepped forward. " They enforce dumb laws that they made themselves and try to arrest Pokémon for not paying for something that should be free." Tudi began.

" They keep you from becoming what you're made to be." Witness growls. " They think you've betrayed them, but in all reality, it is them who betrayed you. They don't understand you at all." Tisa growled, kicking a block of ice across the ground.

" They judge you for being different. They bully you to be like them. To not show them how cruel the world really is." Sklirós explained.

" What is the name of who you are talking about?" Lassie asked. " It is not one name." Growled Witness. " It is of many." Tudi growled, curling his fists. " Oh my. That's horrible." Lassie gasped, hands over her mouth.

" They call themselves the Starter squad. A dumb and not creative name. They consist of many Pokémon that are stronger than normal Pokémon. And they only have those they call starters." Tudi continued to explain as his teeth gritted. Hatred towards the one Pokémon who destroyed his only father coursed through the villain's veins.

" And they go around bossing other Pokémon around and have others like them to do the bidding of their king,
Paarthurnax." Tudi commented.

" They sound stupid. And you're going to take them down?" Lassie asked him, stating intently at him. " Of course. I would be a Dunsparce not to." He answered half humbly.

" I like this guy. I'm glad you brought him here to me. What are your names?" Lassie asked, glancing at all of them, including the frozen starter. Her gaze seemed to linger over him, confused.

" I'm Tudi." The Sandslash introduces himself, thinking that it would be a mistake to let this Froslass come with them. She seems about as untrustworthy as Sklirós.

" I'm Tisa." Tisa introduced. Lassie had an amused look. " Those are...such creative names." She complimented, but seemed as if she was about to burst out of laughter soon.

" I'm Witness." Witness introduced. Lassie looked over at her. " And Who is that frozen 'Mon?" Lassie asked, indicating to the frozen Mudkip. " That is Boulder. He's nothing important." Witness mumbled.

" But...he's a starter." Lassie said thoughtfully. " Why is he here? Isn't he a part of this squad that you told me so greatly of?" She asked, moving the block of ice with the Mudkip inside of it.

" No. I don't believe he is a part of it." Tisa told her. Lassie grinned. " Good." She commented, her face twitching a bit. " I was beginning to think you were a team of explorers, like them, who was going to take me out, like them." She growled, voice trialing off.

" Not all starters join the squad. Plus some starters can be just as evil as other pokemon are." Sklirós told her. " I see. Sorry if I seemed off. I just had a bad experience with two starters. A Totodile and a Charmander." She commented, fist curled up.

" Oh. They sound idiotic." Tisa snarled. " They were. They defeated me. Saved my treasure, Scizor the explorer. They also sent me to jail for something stupid. Who knew you could be sent to jail for freezing someone who invaded your home. I was only defending it. Those jerks!" She hissed.

Sklirós patted her on the back. " There, there. We've all had our hard times. I was defeated by the same Pokémon. Except one was a human I Attacked who transformed into a Totodile. I was foiled twice by the same two, no three Pokémon. A Totodile, a Grovyle, and a Charmander. I changed time to where Dialga was his true self, but did anyone appreciate it? No! No one even questioned the future till that dastardly Grovyle and his human Totodile friend went into the past to change it. I would give the other, but I can't seem to recall much about what happened. I only learned that from a Dusknoir." Sklirós explained.

" Anyways past our pasts, I would love to join this team. I want to destroy anything that wants to destroy the dream of a simple Pokémon." Lassie commented.

" Good." Growled Tudi. " But first, can you unfreeze Boulder?" Witness asked her. " Not that I care or anything." She growled after asking that.

Lassie had a smug look. " Oh I can't unfreeze him. At least not when I am around. Perhaps you can unfreeze him, Tisa." Lassie suggested.

" What?" Tisa questioned looking at her with a glare. " I don't just..." began the enraged Ninetales. " Well, you better get to it. Chop chop." Lassie commented, blowing a kiss at the Ninetales before moving her hands to the frozen starter.

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